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Commit c83c9f94 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Update Change log

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 19446356
2006-06-08 Kevin 2006-06-08 Kevin
* Don't create empty lines when the closing balance is generated. * Don't create empty lines when the closing balance is generated.
* Add direct link to the wrong transaction object when closing the accounting period.
2006-06-07 Kevin 2006-06-07 Kevin
* Delete aggregation per regional zone (export/local) feature because its not enough flexible (for example, if you fix the region of a third party, you need to regenerate the Closing Balance). * Delete aggregation per regional zone (export/local) feature because its not enough flexible (for example, if you fix the region of a third party, you need to regenerate the Closing Balance).
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