will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit ea79d55d authored by Yusuke Muraoka's avatar Yusuke Muraoka

clean up the code

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 3c3df4ad
......@@ -158,12 +158,26 @@ class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
related_key = getattr(sql_catalog, self.related_key_id)
table_alias_dict = dict(
[('table_%s' % (x, ), column_map.getTableAlias(self.table_list[x], group=column_map.getRelatedKeyGroup(x, group)))
for x in xrange(len(self.table_list) - 1)])
x = len(table_alias_dict)
assert x == len(self.table_list) - 1
table_alias_dict['table_%s' % (x, )] = column_map.getTableAlias(self.table_list[x], group=group)
# related key is defined in catalog
related_table_list, destination_table = self.table_list[:-1], self.table_list[-1]
# method caching
getTableAlias = column_map.getTableAlias
getRelatedKeyGroup = column_map.getRelatedKeyGroup
# table aliases for related tables
table_alias_list = [(getTableAlias(related_table, group=getRelatedKeyGroup(index, group)), related_table)
for (index, related_table) in enumerate(related_table_list)]
# table alias for destination table
table_alias_list.append((getTableAlias(destination_table, group=group), destination_table))
# map aliases to use in ZSQLMethod.
table_alias_dict = dict(('table_%s' % (index, ), table_alias[0])
for (index, table_alias) in enumerate(table_alias_list))
assert len(table_alias_list) == len(table_alias_dict)
rendered_related_key = related_key(
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