will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit ecffced1 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Alarm: Stop using portal_ids for activity tags.

Id generator is too expensive to use for such trivial purposes.
Also, this was using an API of id generator which should never have been
Also, this was bogus on several accounts:
- if the tag as provided by caller (as seems to be supported), then
  newActiveProcess would have used an unrelated tag.
- if the alarm activity fails and gets re-run later, the wrong tag will
  also be used.
Instead, generate the tag with a random value.
parent 776c2b0b
......@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@
from compiler.consts import CO_VARKEYWORDS
from random import getrandbits
from DateTime import DateTime
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, Unauthorized
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager, \
setSecurityManager, newSecurityManager
from AccessControl.User import nobody
from Products.CMFActivity.ActivityRuntimeEnvironment import getActivityRuntimeEnvironment
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
......@@ -92,16 +94,6 @@ class Alarm(XMLObject, PeriodicityMixin):
return self.hasActivity(only_valid=1)
def __getTag(self, new):
# Tag is generated from portal_ids so that it can be retrieved
# later when creating an active process for example
portal_ids = self.getPortalObject().portal_ids
if new:
id = portal_ids.generateNewId(id_generator='uid', id_group=self.getId())
id = portal_ids.getLastLengthGeneratedId(id_group=self.getId())
return '%s_%s' % (self.getRelativeUrl(), id)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'activeSense')
def activeSense(self, fixit=0, activate_kw=(), params=None):
......@@ -138,7 +130,39 @@ class Alarm(XMLObject, PeriodicityMixin):
# We do some inspection to keep compatibility
# (because fixit and tag were not set previously)
if 'tag' not in activate_kw:
activate_kw['tag'] = self.__getTag(True)
# If a given alarm is running more than once at a given point in
# time, there is a risk that the same random value will have been
# produced.
# In such event, notify() will be delayed until all conflicting
# invocations are done executing.
# Also, all notifications will as a result refer to a single
# ActiveProcess, so all but one notification content will be lost to
# someone only checking notification content.
# This is expected to be highly unlikely to have any meaningful
# effect, because:
# - if a single alarm can be running multiple times in parallel and
# has notifications enabled, there is anyway no guarantee that each
# payload will actually be properly notified (independently from
# any tag collision)
# - if a single alarm is not usually happening in parallel and
# notifications are enabled (hence, there is a reasonable
# expectation that each notification will properly happen),
# parallel execution means a former invocation failed, so
# administrator attention should already be attracted to the issue.
# - and overall, alarm concurrency should be low enough that
# collision should stay extremely low: it should be extremely rare
# for a notification-neabled alarm to run even 10 times in parallel
# (as alarms can at most be spawned every minute), and even in such
# case the probability of a collision is about 2e-9 (10 / 2**32).
# Assuming 10 alarms spawned every second with a one-second duration
# it takes a bit under 7 years for a single collision to be more
# likely to have occurred than not: 50% / (10 / 2**32) = 6.8 years
# On the other hand, using a completely constant tag per alarm would
# mean notify() would be blocked by any isolated failure event, which
# increases the pressure on a timely resolution of what could be a
# frequent occurrence (ex: an alarm pulling data from a 3rd-party
# server with poor availability).
activate_kw['tag'] = '%s_%x' % (self.getRelativeUrl(), getrandbits(32))
tag = activate_kw['tag']
method = getattr(self, method_id)
func_code = method.func_code
......@@ -370,7 +394,12 @@ Alarm Tool Node: %s
of processes
activate_kw = kw.pop('activate_kw', {})
activate_kw.setdefault('tag', self.__getTag(False))
activity_runtime_environment = getActivityRuntimeEnvironment()
except KeyError:
activate_kw.setdefault('tag', activity_runtime_environment.getTag())
portal_activities = getToolByName(self,'portal_activities')
active_process = portal_activities.newActiveProcess(start_date=DateTime(),
......@@ -461,28 +461,23 @@ class TestAlarm(ERP5TypeTestCase):
messages_list = self.getActivityTool().getMessageList()
self.assertEqual(2, len(messages_list))
expected_tag = alarm.getRelativeUrl() + '_0'
tag_set = set()
def assertSingleTagAndMethodItemsEqual(expected_method_list):
method_id_list = []
for m in self.getActivityTool().getMessageList():
if m.method_id == 'notify':
elif m.method_id in (sense_method_id, 'immediateReindexObject'):
self.assertItemsEqual(method_id_list, expected_method_list)
self.assertEqual(len(tag_set), 1, tag_set)
# check tags after activeSense
for m in messages_list:
if m.method_id == 'notify':
self.assertEqual(expected_tag, m.activity_kw.get('after_tag'))
elif m.method_id == sense_method_id:
self.assertEqual(expected_tag, m.activity_kw.get('tag'))
assertSingleTagAndMethodItemsEqual(['notify', sense_method_id])
# execute alarm sense script and check tags
self.getActivityTool().manageInvoke(alarm.getPhysicalPath(), sense_method_id)
messages_list = self.getActivityTool().getMessageList()
for m in messages_list:
if m.method_id == 'notify':
self.assertEqual(expected_tag, m.activity_kw.get('after_tag'))
elif m.method_id == 'immediateReindexObject':
self.assertEqual(expected_tag, m.activity_kw.get('tag'))
assertSingleTagAndMethodItemsEqual(['notify', 'immediateReindexObject'])
def test_19_ManualInvocation(self):
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