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Commit f1742db3 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

try not to group by uid which has a cost on performance

parent 1812ce3d
......@@ -151,7 +151,14 @@ select_dict.update(dict(total_debit=None,\n
params[\'select_dict\'] = select_dict\n
params.setdefault(\'group_by\', (\'uid\',))\n
# We group by uid to really filter duplicated lines, but this makes generated\n
# query much slower, and in reality duplicated lines are transactions for which\n
# both source section and destination section match the criterions. This can be\n
# because there are no criterion on section_uid or because both sections are members\n
# of the selected group. In the later it can be accepted as not a problem.\n
if not params.get(\'accounting_transaction.section_uid\'):\n
params.setdefault(\'group_by\', (\'uid\',))\n
return context.searchFolder(**params)\n
</string> </value>
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