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- 05 Oct, 2012 4 commits
Ivan Tyagov authored
Use nice URLs to access from RSS Discussion Post.
Ivan Tyagov authored
Add web alike getDescription (WIP)
Ivan Tyagov authored
Sebastien Robin authored
- 04 Oct, 2012 4 commits
Gabriel Monnerat authored
extend code to pass firefox and xvfb binaries as parameter to runUnitTest. With this, is possible run functional tests using firefox and xvfb binaries from selenium testrunner
Gabriel Monnerat authored
Refactor code to request installation and instanciation of external profiles passed on parameter dict
Sebastien Robin authored
Tristan Cavelier authored
- 03 Oct, 2012 8 commits
Julien Muchembled authored
Ivan Tyagov authored
Gabriel Monnerat authored
add workaround for Internet Explorer's bug to download files over SSL. More details here:
Julien Muchembled authored
- splitted expand, performance improvements and bugfixes (see commit 5c09e2e2 for more information) - Zope: monkey-patch 'transaction' to provide start time of transaction - CMFActivity: new 'merge_parent=<path>' SQLDict parameter - CMFActivity: try to reserve older messages first (ORDER BY priority, date) (see commit 275799fe to update existing activity tables) - drop legacy simulation
Julien Muchembled authored
Julien Muchembled authored
All interactions and activity tags are reviewed to fix bugs like duplicated root applied rules, and also reduces the amount of duplicated/useless work, e.g: - Simulation trees are not expanded anymore when simulated objects are modified. - 'expand' activities are merged (i.e. dropped) with any other 'expand' activity for an ancestor. New implementation exposes new API that hides much complexity to the developper about activity dependencies. By default, expand() now automatically defers any work if the current transaction takes too long time. This method also gains a parameter to explicitely choose when to expand, which is often important in unit tests or solvers. In particular, when postponing work, it takes care of setting proper activity dependencies. - If you have any code requiring to expand everything immediately, you'll have to replace 'expand()' by 'expand(expand_policy="immediate")'. - On the contrary, you should replace any 'activate().expand()' by 'expand(expand_policy="deferred")'. expand() still accepts activity parameters for any extra needs. In causality workflow, 'building' state is clarified and now means « delivery may diverge but we can't know now ». A delivery remains in draft as long as it does not contain any movement built from simulation. After init/clone/builder/etc. scripts used to call 'startBuilding' & 'updateCausalityState': this calls must be removed since only SimulatedDeliveryBuilder should take care of move to 'building' state and workflows now triggers 'updateCausalityState'. Disguised interactions have been unhardcoded and either deleted, or moved to appropriate interaction workflows, which have been reorganized. Those that triggers update of portal_workflow can be easily customized or disabled. New API: - updateSimulation() on deliveries and subscription items. It takes care of creating root applied rule, expanding and reindexing parts of simulation trees. It somehow replaces: - Delivery_updateSimulation - Delivery_updateAppliedRule - Delivery.applyToDeliveryRelatedMovement - Delivery.updateAppliedRule - Delivery.expand - Delivery.expandRuleRelatedToMovement - SubscriptionItem.expand - SubscriptionItem.updateAppliedRule - Delivery.localBuild() is the new way to do local building and replaces Delivery_expandAndBuild. Private method Delivery._localBuild replaces Delivery_buildOnComposedDocument. - Simulation Movements that are being built by a builder are reindexed with the following tag: 'built:<delivery_path>'. Any after_path_and_method_id dependency against 'related_simulation_movement_path_list' and reindexing methods should be replaced by this after_tag. After builder scripts used to confirm the delivery in a separate activity, which was useless.
Sebastien Robin authored
Ivan Tyagov authored
- 02 Oct, 2012 3 commits
Vincent Pelletier authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
Base on work by Mame Coumba Sall <>
- 01 Oct, 2012 6 commits
Jean-Paul Smets authored
Julien Muchembled authored
Julien Muchembled authored
Julien Muchembled authored
If specified, <path> must be the path of an ancestor and SQLDict will merge all similar messages under this path and process only the root message. This will be used in ERP5 simulation to drop 'expand' activities that are children of other 'expand' activities. Because it can be used with grouped messages, it may be interesting to used it for recursiveImmediateReindexObject.
Julien Muchembled authored
This reverts commit 2a84df59 partially. With a good index, requests should be fast enough to avoid locks. Use following requests to update activity tables: ALTER TABLE message DROP KEY processing_node_date, ADD KEY processing_node_priority_date (processing_node, priority, date); ALTER TABLE message_queue DROP KEY processing_node_date, ADD KEY processing_node_priority_date (processing_node, priority, date);
Ivan Tyagov authored
Allow to control current logged in user credentials through erp5_credentials bt5 (consistent with long implemented "I forgot my password" anonymous login_form).
- 28 Sep, 2012 4 commits
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
Sebastien Robin authored
- 27 Sep, 2012 2 commits
Sebastien Robin authored
Pere Cortes authored
- 26 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Ivan Tyagov authored
- 25 Sep, 2012 2 commits
Ivan Tyagov authored
Add a dummy activity so alarm calling can detect we still have a pending activity and do not start this script again before previous call is finished.
Ivan Tyagov authored
Clean up only "Invoice" specific properties and call "parent" generic script that will adjust causality workflow state as well.
- 24 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Ivan Tyagov authored
Revert c9448903 (Delivery_afterClone will update causality state after cloning).
- 21 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Ivan Tyagov authored
- 19 Sep, 2012 3 commits
Romain Courteaud authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
- 18 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
real security configuration should still remain in sub module (modify 4610f372 a bit).