"description":"Select the CPRI line bit rate in terms of multiple of option 1 (614.4 Mbps). E.g set 4 for option 3, 8 for option 5 and 16 for option 7",
"title":"CPRI line bit rate multipler",
"description":"Select the CPRI line bit rate in terms of multiple of option 1 (614.4 Mbps). E.g set 4 for option 3, 8 for option 5 and 16 for option 7",
"title":"CPRI RX Delay",
"description":"Delays between TX and RX position in CPRI frame. This should be set to the value of (T2a + T3a - Toffset) provided by the RU specification.",
"title":"CPRI RX Delay",
"description":"Delays between TX and RX position in CPRI frame. This should be set to the value of (T2a + T3a - Toffset) provided by the RU specification.",
"title":"CPRI TX Delay",
"description":"Advances Start of Frame relative to PPS to compensate for delays in transmit line and RU. This should be set to T12 + T2a.",
"title":"CPRI TX Delay",
"description":"Advances Start of Frame relative to PPS to compensate for delays in transmit line and RU. This should be set to T12 + T2a.",
"title":"CPRI TX dBm",
"description":"Optional floating points value in dBm (default 0). Needed by ENB/GNB to have a notion of actual output power. Computed from maximum power output of the RRH for a 0dBFS input signal (full scale). ",
"title":"CPRI TX dBm",
"description":"Optional floating points value in dBm (default 0). Needed by ENB/GNB to have a notion of actual output power. Computed from maximum power output of the RRH for a 0dBFS input signal (full scale). ",