Commit 7748f90b authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets


git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 5f5175be
## Script (Python) "SalesPackingList_exportEdi"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# export d un fichier Edi
# format de fichier attendu
# Traduction .rec du fichier Edifact par NY Net
from string import rjust, zfill
import string
from DateTime import DateTime
def chaine(num, width):
s = str(int(num))
if len(s) > width:
result = s[-width:]
result = zfill(s,width)
return result
def decoupe(s,width):
if len(s) > width:
result_tmp = s[-width:]
result_tmp = rjust(s,width)
return result_tmp
retour_chariot = "\r\n"
result = ""
num_article = 0
total_qty = 0
csp_sequence_expe = 1
result += "START:AVISAUCHAVISAUCH"+retour_chariot
result += "UNH_DEBUT_MESSAGE____:DESADVEAN005"+retour_chariot
code_fonction = '9'
result += "BGM_AVIS_EXPEDITION__:"+decoupe(context.getId() , 8)+code_fonction+retour_chariot
result += "DTM_DATE_DOCUMENT____:"+DateTime().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")+retour_chariot
sales_order = context.getCausalityValue(portal_type=['Sales Order'])
result += "DTM_DATE_LIVR_DEMANDE:"+sales_order.getTargetStopDate().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")+retour_chariot
result += "DTM_DATE_HEURE_EXPE__:"+context.getTargetStartDate().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")+retour_chariot
result += "RFF_NUMERO_COMMANDE__:"+ sales_order.getDestinationReference() +retour_chariot
result += "RFF_DATE_COMMANDE____:"+ sales_order.getDateReception().strftime("%Y%m%d") +retour_chariot
result += "RFF_BON_LIVRAISON____:"+ context.getId() +retour_chariot
result += "RFF_DATE_____________:"+ context.getTargetStopDate().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") +retour_chariot
source_section = sales_order.getSourceSectionTitle()
list = sales_order.portal_catalog(Title=source_section, portal_type = 'Organisation')
if len(list) > 0:
source = list[0].getObject()
ean_source = source.getEan13Code()
result += "NAD_EXPEDITEUR_______:"+ ean_source + retour_chariot
ean_destination = sales_order.getDestinationDecisionValue(portal_type=['Organisation']).getEan13Code()
result += "NAD_EMETTEUR_CDE_____:"+ ean_destination + retour_chariot
result += "NAD_INTER_A_LIVRER___:"+ ean_destination + retour_chariot
result += "NAD_DEST_MESSAGE_____:"+ ean_destination + retour_chariot
result += "TOD_CONDITION_LIVR___:"+"SD"+retour_chariot
result += "TDT_DETAIL_TRANSPORT_:"+"3031"+retour_chariot
# { ean13code: send_quantity , ...}
send_quantity_dict = {}
packing_list_movement_list = context.getMovementList()
for movement in packing_list_movement_list:
send_quantity_dict[ movement.Amount_getCodeEan13Client() ] = int (movement.getTargetQuantity())
# [ (ean13code, difference) ]
difference_quantity_list = []
sales_order_movement_list = sales_order.getMovementList()
for movement in sales_order_movement_list:
desired_quantity = int (movement.getTargetQuantity() )
eanCode = movement.Amount_getCodeEan13Client()
send_quantity = send_quantity_dict[ eanCode ]
difference_quantity = (desired_quantity - send_quantity)
if difference_quantity <> 0:
difference_quantity_list.append( ( eanCode , difference_quantity ) )
if send_quantity == 0:
del send_quantity_dict[ eanCode ]
except KeyError:
if send_quantity_dict <> {}:
num_ct = 1
num_ct = 0
pac_emballage = chaine( num_ct , 8 ) + "CT"
weight = context.PackingList_getTotalGrossWeight()
result += "CSP_SEQUENCE_EXPE____:"+ decoupe( "%i"%csp_sequence_expe,12) +retour_chariot
result += "PAC_EMBALLAGE________:"+ pac_emballage + retour_chariot
result += "MEA_MESURES_POIDS_TOT:"+ str(weight) +retour_chariot
if difference_quantity_list <> []:
for difference_quantity in difference_quantity_list:
result += "LIN_ARTICLE__________:"+difference_quantity[0]+retour_chariot
result += "QVR_EXPED_PARTIELLE__:"+"%i"%(difference_quantity[1])+retour_chariot
if send_quantity_dict <> {}:
result += "CSP_SEQUENCE_EXPE____:"+decoupe( "%i"% (csp_sequence_expe+1),12) + "%i"%csp_sequence_expe +retour_chariot
csp_sequence_expe += 1
result += "PAC_EMBALLAGE________:"+pac_emballage +retour_chariot
result += "QTY_QUANTITE_KGM_____:"+ str(weight) + retour_chariot
for ean_key in send_quantity_dict.keys():
num_article += 1
result += "LIN_ARTICLE__________:" + decoupe( "%i" % num_article , 5 ) + ean_key + retour_chariot
result += "QTY_QTE_EXPEDIEE_UC__:" + "%i"%(send_quantity_dict[ ean_key ]) + retour_chariot
result += "CNT_CONTROLE_TOTAL___:%i"% num_article+retour_chariot
if batch_mode:
return result
return result
## Script (Python) "SalesPackingList_exportEdiList"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# generate the Edi file of the selection of sales packing list
request = context.REQUEST
object_list = context.object_action_list(selection_name='sales_packing_list_selection')
export_file_list = []
result = ""
for order in object_list:
# some verifications have to be done
# export the container
result += order.SalesPackingList_exportEdi( batch_mode = 1)
#context.portal_activities.newMessage('SQLDict', object.getAbsoluteUrl(), {}, 'Container_exportEdi')
# and this is the end ....
if batch_mode:
return result
return result
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