Commit 1df35eb6 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

Fixed link/email in instructions

parent cba96c9b
......@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ This project gladly accepts contributions. Interested users are encouraged to ge
For small tweaks and bug fixes, feel free to submit [pull requests]( at any time. For new features or to change existing behavior, please open an issue first to discuss it and claim it. This prevents overlapping efforts and also keeps the project in-line with its goals.
If you've found a vulnerability that is serious, please [](email me). If it's not a big deal, a pull request will probably be faster.
If you've found a vulnerability that is serious, please email me: Matthew dot Holt at Gmail. If it's not a big deal, a pull request will probably be faster.
Thanks for your help!
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