Commit c5aa5843 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

Version 0.9.1

parent 745ae6ff
0.9.1 (August 17, 2016)
- New {request_body} placeholder to log request body
- {remote} placeholder no longer uses X-Forwarded-For header
- {latency} placeholder rounds to nice looking number
- Add support for ratelimit plugin
- basicauth: Declaring realm named "Restricted"
- errors: Define catch-all/default error page with * character
- header: More control to add, set, or remove headers
- proxy: New keepalive setting to help accommodate busy servers
- proxy: New load balancing policy ip_hash
- proxy: Fixed WebSocket connections
- proxy: Fixed broken header logic
- proxy: Reuse existing connection for Upgrade requests
- proxy: Support for basic auth from header or upstream address
- templates: New .Env action to access environment variables
- tls: OCSP staples persisted to disk
- tls: ACME challenges honor bind directive
- tls: Fix default protocol version (minimum TLS 1.1)
- tls: Consume challenge requests only for names Caddy is solving for
- tls: The protocol syntax allows just one value if desired
- tls: Scoped max_certs limit to site instead of global maximum
- Many other bug fixes and minor enhancements
0.9 (July 18, 2016)
- New core
- New experimental QUIC support with -quic flag (HTTPS only)
CADDY 0.9.1
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