Commit fee4890e authored by Andrew Hamon's avatar Andrew Hamon Committed by Matt Holt

Balance round robin evenly when some hosts are down (#880)

* Balance round robin evenly when some hosts are down

Before, when load balancing across multiple hosts, if a host went down
then the next host in line would be sent a double share of requests.
This is because the round robin counter was only incremented once per
request, regardless of the health of the selection. If current
selection was unhealthy then the policy would advance to the next host,
but this would not be reflected in the policy counter. To fix this, the
counter is now incremented for every attempted host.

This commit adds a test case that identifies the issue, and a fix.

* Make robin counter private

* Use a mutex to sync round robin selection
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package proxy
import (
// HostPool is a collection of UpstreamHosts.
......@@ -82,20 +82,22 @@ func (r *LeastConn) Select(pool HostPool) *UpstreamHost {
// RoundRobin is a policy that selects hosts based on round robin ordering.
type RoundRobin struct {
Robin uint32
robin uint32
mutex sync.Mutex
// Select selects an up host from the pool using a round robin ordering scheme.
func (r *RoundRobin) Select(pool HostPool) *UpstreamHost {
poolLen := uint32(len(pool))
selection := atomic.AddUint32(&r.Robin, 1) % poolLen
host := pool[selection]
// if the currently selected host is not available, just ffwd to up host
for i := uint32(1); !host.Available() && i < poolLen; i++ {
host = pool[(selection+i)%poolLen]
if !host.Available() {
return nil
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
// Return next available host
for i := uint32(0); i < poolLen; i++ {
host := pool[r.robin%poolLen]
if host.Available() {
return host
return host
return nil
......@@ -63,11 +63,18 @@ func TestRoundRobinPolicy(t *testing.T) {
if h != pool[2] {
t.Error("Expected to skip down host.")
// mark host as up
pool[1].Unhealthy = false
h = rrPolicy.Select(pool)
if h == pool[2] {
t.Error("Expected to balance evenly among healthy hosts")
// mark host as full
pool[2].Conns = 1
pool[2].MaxConns = 1
pool[1].Conns = 1
pool[1].MaxConns = 1
h = rrPolicy.Select(pool)
if h != pool[0] {
if h != pool[2] {
t.Error("Expected to skip full host.")
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