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Commit 002429f3 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

fix debit == credit for destination

added a test for automatic use of mirror accounts.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent a9baf7b0
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
account_portal_type = 'Account'
accounting_period_portal_type = 'Accounting Period'
accounting_transaction_portal_type = 'Accounting Transaction'
accounting_transaction_line_portal_type = 'Accounting Transaction Line'
currency_portal_type = 'Currency'
organisation_portal_type = 'Organisation'
sale_invoice_portal_type = 'Sale Invoice Transaction'
......@@ -273,9 +275,68 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
income_account = income,
collected_vat_account = collected_vat,
refundable_vat_account = refundable_vat,
bank = bank,
bank_account = bank,
account_list = account_list )
def stepCreateAccountingTransactionAndCheckMirrorAccount(self,
sequence, **kw):
"""Check that mirror account are set automatically. """
account_list = sequence.get('account_list')
for account in account_list :
self.assertNotEquals(account.getDestinationValue(), None)
transaction = self.getAccountingModule().newContent(
portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_portal_type,
source_section_value = sequence.get('client'),
resource_value = sequence.get('EUR'),
bypass_init_script = 1,
# setting both source and destination shouldn't use mirror accounts
destination = sequence.get('receivable_account')
for account in account_list :
transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
source = account.getRelativeUrl(),
destination = destination.getRelativeUrl(),
self.assertEquals( destination.getRelativeUrl(),
transaction_line.getDestination() )
# setting only a source must use mirror account as destination
for account in account_list :
transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
source = account.getRelativeUrl(),
self.assertEquals( account.getDestination(),
transaction_line.getDestination() )
# editing the destination later should not change the source once
# the mirror account has been set.
account = sequence.get('receivable_account')
destination = sequence.get('bank_account')
another_destination = sequence.get('expense_account')
transaction_line = transaction.newContent(
portal_type = self.accounting_transaction_line_portal_type,
source = account.getRelativeUrl(), )
automatically_set_destination = transaction_line.getDestinationValue()
# get another account.
if automatically_set_destination == destination :
forced_destination = destination
else :
forced_destination = another_destination
# set all other accounts as mirror account to this one.
# change the destination and check the source didn't change.
transaction_line.edit(destination = forced_destination.getRelativeUrl())
self.assertEquals( transaction_line.getSourceValue(), account )
def getInvoicePropertyList(self):
"""Returns the list of properties for invoices, stored as
a list of dictionnaries. """
......@@ -290,12 +351,12 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# in currency of source, converted for destination
{ 'income' : -100, 'destination_converted_expense' : -200,
'collected_vat' : 10, 'destination_converted_refundable_vat' : -100,
'collected_vat' : 10, 'destination_converted_refundable_vat' : 100,
'receivable' : 90, 'destination_converted_payable' : 100,
'currency' : 'currency_module/EUR' },
{ 'income' : -100, 'destination_converted_expense' : -200,
'collected_vat' : 10, 'destination_converted_refundable_vat' : -100,
'collected_vat' : 10, 'destination_converted_refundable_vat' : 100,
'receivable' : 90, 'destination_converted_payable' : 100,
'currency' : 'currency_module/EUR' },
......@@ -605,7 +666,19 @@ class TestAccounting(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def test_MirrorAccounts(self, quiet=0, run=RUN_ALL_TESTS):
"""Tests using an account on one sides uses the mirror account
on the other size. """
# test transaction validation from accounting workflow.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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