will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 029b0e8e authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Instead of using pickle to store form data, simply rely on erp5_xhtml_style

parameters propagation. Some changes in form_relation in erp5_xhtml_style and
Base_callDialogMethod and Base_editRelation in erp5_core will be required.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ca12b193
......@@ -1052,102 +1052,6 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
new_md5_string =
return md5_string != new_md5_string
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getPickle')
def getPickle(self,**kw):
we give many keywords and we will get the corresponding
pickle string
#LOG('getPickle kw',0,kw)
# XXX Remove DateTime, This is really bad, only use for zope 2.6
# XXX This has to be removed as quickly as possible
for k,v in kw.items():
if isinstance(v,DateTime):
del kw[k]
# XXX End of the part to remove
#LOG('SelectionTool.getPickle, kw',0,kw)
pickle_string = pickle.dumps(kw)
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
pickle_string = msg.get_payload()
pickle_string = pickle_string.replace('\n','@@@')
return pickle_string
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getPickleAndSignature')
def getPickleAndSignature(self,**kw):
we give many keywords and we will get the corresponding
pickle string and signature
cookie_password = self._getCookiePassword()
pickle_string = self.getPickle(**kw)
signature =,pickle_string).hexdigest()
return (pickle_string,signature)
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getObjectFromPickle')
def getObjectFromPickle(self,pickle_string):
get object from a pickle string
object = None
pickle_string = pickle_string.replace('@@@','\n')
msg = MIMEBase('application','octet-stream')
pickle_string = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
object = pickle.loads(pickle_string)
return object
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getObjectFromPickleAndSignature')
def getObjectFromPickleAndSignature(self,pickle_string,signature):
get object from a pickle string only when a signature maches
cookie_password = self._getCookiePassword()
object = None
new_signature =,pickle_string).hexdigest()
if new_signature==signature:
object = self.getObjectFromPickle(pickle_string)
return object
def _getCookiePassword(self):
get the password used for encryption
cookie_password = getattr(self,'cookie_password',None)
if cookie_password is None:
cookie_password = str(random.randrange(1,2147483600))
self.cookie_password = cookie_password
return cookie_password
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'setCookieInfo')
def setCookieInfo(self,request,cookie_name,**kw):
register info directly in cookie
cookie_name = cookie_name + '_cookie'
(pickle_string,signature) = self.getPickleAndSignature(**kw)
signature_cookie_name = cookie_name + '_signature'
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getCookieInfo')
def getCookieInfo(self,request,cookie_name):
get info directly from cookie
cookie_name = cookie_name + '_cookie'
object = None
if getattr(request,cookie_name,None) is not None:
pickle_string = request.get(cookie_name)
signature_cookie_name = cookie_name + '_signature'
signature = request.get(signature_cookie_name)
object = self.getObjectFromPickleAndSignature(pickle_string,signature)
if object is None:
object = {}
return object
# Related document searching
def viewSearchRelatedDocumentDialog(self, index, form_id,
......@@ -1232,11 +1136,10 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
# Save the current REQUEST form
# We can't put FileUpload instances because we can't pickle them
pickle_kw = {}
for key in REQUEST.form.keys():
if not isinstance(REQUEST.form[key],FileUpload):
pickle_kw[key] = REQUEST.form[key]
form_pickle, form_signature = self.getPickleAndSignature(**pickle_kw)
saved_form_data = {}
for key, value in REQUEST.form.items():
if not isinstance(value, FileUpload):
saved_form_data[key] = value
base_category = None
kw = {}
......@@ -1255,8 +1158,7 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
kw['form_id'] = form_id
kw[field.get_value('catalog_index')] = field_value
kw['portal_status_message'] = portal_status_message
kw['form_pickle'] = form_pickle
kw['form_signature'] = form_signature
kw['saved_form_data'] = saved_form_data
# Empty the selection (uid)
REQUEST.form = kw # New request form
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