Commit 5cb8463f authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet

Move SimulationMovement.isBuildable implementation into BusinessPath.filterBuildableMovementList

The idea was simple: if BusinessPath.filterBuildableMovementList is efficient,
we can replace SimulationMovement.isBuildable by:
  return len(business_path.filterBuildableMovementList([self])) == 1

I thus moved and adapted the code from isBuildable to generalize it
to BusinessPath.filterBuildableMovementList.
Performance remains the very _same_ for isBuildable, but this move allows
us to use filterBuildableMovementList directly in a Global Builder.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 5ebdd8cf
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -562,159 +562,7 @@ class SimulationMovement(Movement, PropertyRecordableMixin):
if business_path is None or explanation_value is None:
return True
predecessor_state = business_path.getPredecessorValue()
if predecessor_state is None:
# first one, can be built
return True
# movement is not built, and corresponding business path
# has predecessors: check movements related to those predecessors!
predecessor_path_list = predecessor_state.getSuccessorRelatedValueList()
def isBuiltAndCompleted(simulation, path):
return simulation.getCausalityValue() is not None and \
simulation.getSimulationState() in path.getCompletedStateList()
### Step 1:
## Explore ancestors in ZODB (cheap)
# store a causality -> causality_related_movement_list mapping
causality_dict = dict()
current = self.getParentValue()
while True:
portal_type = current.getPortalType()
if portal_type == "Simulation Movement":
causality_dict[current.getCausality()] = current
elif portal_type != "Applied Rule":
# XXX or maybe directly go up by two levels?
current = current.getParentValue()
remaining_path_set = set()
for path in predecessor_path_list:
related_simulation = causality_dict.get(path.getRelativeUrl())
if related_simulation is None:
# XXX assumption is made here that if we find ONE completed ancestor
# movement of self that is related to a predecessor path, then
# that predecessor path is completed. Is it True? (aka when
# Business Process goes downwards, is the maximum movements per
# predecessor 1 or can we have more?)
if not isBuiltAndCompleted(related_simulation, path):
return False
# in 90% of cases, Business Path goes downward and this is enough
if not remaining_path_set:
return True
# But sometimes we have to dig deeper
### Step 2:
## Try catalog to find descendant movements, knowing
# that it can be incomplete
class treeNode(dict):
Used to cache accesses to ZODB objects.
The idea is to put in visited_movement_dict the objects we've already
loaded from ZODB in Step #2 to avoid loading them again in Step #3.
- self represents a single ZODB container c
- self.visited_movement_dict contains an id->(ZODB obj) cache for
subobjects of c
- self[id] contains the treeNode representing c[id]
def __init__(self):
self.visited_movement_dict = dict()
path_tree = treeNode()
def updateTree(simulation_movement, path):
tree_node = path_tree
movement_path = simulation_movement.getPhysicalPath()
simulation_movement_id = movement_path[-1]
# find container
for path_id in movement_path[:-1]:
tree_node = tree_node.setdefault(path_id, treeNode())
# and mark the object as visited
tree_node.visited_movement_dict[simulation_movement_id] = (simulation_movement, path)
portal_catalog = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog
catalog_simulation_movement_list = portal_catalog(
portal_type='Simulation Movement',
causality_uid=[p.getUid() for p in remaining_path_set],
path='%s/%%' % self.getPath())
for movement in catalog_simulation_movement_list:
path = movement.getCausalityValue()
if not isBuiltAndCompleted(movement, path):
return False
updateTree(movement, path)
### Step 3:
## We had no luck, we have to explore descendant movements in ZODB
def descendantGenerator(document, tree_node, path_set_to_check):
generator yielding Simulation Movement descendants of document.
It does _not_ explore the whole subtree if iteration is stopped.
It uses the tree we built previously to avoid loading again ZODB
objects that we already loaded during catalog querying
path_set_to_check contains a set of Business Paths that we are
interested in. A branch is only explored if this set is not
empty; a movement is only yielded if its causality value is in this set
object_id_list = document.objectIds()
for id in object_id_list:
if id not in tree_node.visited_movement_dict:
# we had not visited it in step #2
subdocument = document._getOb(id)
if subdocument.getPortalType() == "Simulation Movement":
path = subdocument.getCausalityValue()
t = (subdocument, path)
tree_node.visited_movement_dict[id] = t
if path in path_set_to_check:
yield t
# it must be an Applied Rule
subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode())
for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument,
yield d
for id, t in tree_node.visited_movement_dict.iteritems():
subdocument, path = t
to_check = path_set_to_check
# do we need to change/copy the set?
if path in to_check:
if len(to_check) == 1:
# no more paths to check in this branch
to_check = to_check.copy()
subtree = tree_node.get(id, treeNode())
for d in descendantGenerator(subdocument, subtree, to_check):
yield d
# descend in the tree to find self:
tree_node = path_tree
for path_id in self.getPhysicalPath():
tree_node = tree_node.get(path_id, treeNode())
# explore subobjects of self
for descendant, path in descendantGenerator(self,
if not isBuiltAndCompleted(descendant, path):
return False
return True
return len(business_path.filterBuildableMovementList([self])) == 1
def getSolverProcessValueList(self, movement=None, validation_state=None):
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