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Commit caf20419 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Generate dynamic methods and attach them to preference tool. It's the only way...

Generate dynamic methods and attach them to preference tool. It's the only way to get rid of ZODB cache inconstency with PreferenceTool.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 2a192dd5
......@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, getSecurityManager
from Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile
from Acquisition import aq_base
from zLOG import LOG, INFO
from zLOG import LOG, INFO, PROBLEM
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool
......@@ -40,6 +39,77 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.TypeDefinition import list_types
from Products.ERP5Form.Document.Preference import Preference
from Products.ERP5Form import _dtmldir
from MethodObject import Method
class func_code: pass
def createPreferenceMethods(portal) :
"""Initialize all Preference methods on the preference tool.
This method must be called on startup.
attr_list = []
pref_portal_type = getToolByName(portal,
# 'Dynamic' property sheets added through ZMI
zmi_property_sheet_list = []
for property_sheet in pref_portal_type.property_sheet_list :
getattr(__import__(property_sheet), property_sheet))
except ImportError, e :
LOG('createPreferenceMethods', PROBLEM,
'unable to import Property Sheet %s' % property_sheet, e)
# 'Static' property sheets defined on the class
class_property_sheet_list = Preference.property_sheets
for property_sheet in ( tuple(zmi_property_sheet_list) +
class_property_sheet_list ) :
# then generate common method names
for prop in property_sheet._properties :
if not prop.get('preference', 0) :
# only properties marked as preference are used
attribute = prop['id']
attr_list = [ 'get%s' % convertToUpperCase(attribute)]
if prop['type'] in list_types :
attr_list += ['get%sList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute), ]
for attribute_name in attr_list:
method = PreferenceMethod(attribute_name)
setattr(PreferenceTool, attribute_name, method)
LOG('PreferenceTool', INFO, 'Preference methods generated')
class PreferenceMethod(Method) :
""" A method object that lookup the attribute on preferences. """
# This is required to call the method form the Web
func_code = func_code()
func_code.co_varnames = ('self', )
func_code.co_argcount = 1
func_defaults = ()
def __init__(self, attribute) :
self._preference_name = attribute
def __call__(self, instance, *args, **kw) :
def _getPreference(user_name="") :
found = 0
for pref in instance._getSortedPreferenceList() :
attr = getattr(pref, self._preference_name, MARKER)
if attr is not MARKER :
found = 1
# test the attr is set
if callable(attr) :
value = attr()
else :
value = attr
if value not in (None, '', (), []) :
return value
if found :
return value
_getPreference = CachingMethod( _getPreference,
id='PreferenceTool.CachingMethod.%s' % self._preference_name)
user_name = getSecurityManager().getUser().getId()
return _getPreference(user_name=user_name)
class PreferenceTool(BaseTool):
""" PreferenceTool manages User Preferences / User profiles. """
id = 'portal_preferences'
......@@ -62,22 +132,12 @@ class PreferenceTool(BaseTool):
['Member', 'Auditor', 'Manager'])
BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('manage_afterAdd')(self, item, container)
def _aq_dynamic(self, name):
""" if the name is a valid preference, then start a lookup on
active preferences. """
dynamic = BaseTool._aq_dynamic(self, name)
if dynamic is not None :
return dynamic
aq_base_name = getattr(aq_base(self), name, None)
if aq_base_name is not None :
return aq_base_name
if name in self.getValidPreferencePropertyIdList() :
return self.getPreference(name)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, "getPreference")
def getPreference(self, pref_name) :
""" get the preference on the most appopriate Preference object. """
def _getPreference(pref_name="", user_name="") :
LOG("PreferenceTool", PROBLEM, 'calling getPreference directly on the tool' +
'is deprecated, no caching happens !')
def _getPreference(pref_name="") :
found = 0
for pref in self._getSortedPreferenceList() :
......@@ -93,72 +153,13 @@ class PreferenceTool(BaseTool):
return attr
if found :
return value
_getPreference = CachingMethod( _getPreference,
user_name = getSecurityManager().getUser().getId()
return _getPreference(pref_name=pref_name, user_name=user_name)
return _getPreference(pref_name=pref_name)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, "setPreference")
def setPreference(self, pref_name, value) :
""" set the preference on the active Preference object"""
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, "getValidPreferencePropertyIdList")
def getValidPreferencePropertyIdList(self) :
""" return the list of attributes that are preferences names and
should be looked up on Preferences. """
def _getValidPreferencePropertyIdList(self) :
""" a cache for this method """
attr_list = []
try :
pref_portal_type = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types')['Preference']
except KeyError :
# When creating an ERP5 Site, this method is called, but the
# type is not installed yet
return []
# 'Dynamic' property sheets added through ZMI
zmi_property_sheet_list = []
for property_sheet in pref_portal_type.property_sheet_list :
getattr(__import__(property_sheet), property_sheet))
except ImportError, e :
LOG('PreferenceTool._getValidPreferencePropertyIdList', INFO,
'unable to import Property Sheet %s' % property_sheet, e)
# 'Static' property sheets defined on the class
class_property_sheet_list = Preference.property_sheets
for property_sheet in ( tuple(zmi_property_sheet_list) +
class_property_sheet_list ) :
# then generate common method names
for prop in property_sheet._properties :
if not prop.get('preference', 0) :
# only properties marked as preference are used
attribute = prop['id']
attr_list += [ attribute,
'get%s' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sId' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sTitle' % convertToUpperCase(attribute), ]
if prop['type'] in list_types :
attr_list += ['get%sList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute), ]
for attribute in list(getattr(property_sheet, '_categories', [])) :
attr_list += [ attribute,
'get%s' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sId' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sTitle' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sValue' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sValueList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sItemList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sIdList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sTitleList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute),
'get%sList' % convertToUpperCase(attribute), ]
return attr_list
_getValidPreferencePropertyIdList = CachingMethod(
_getValidPreferencePropertyIdList, cache_duration = 600,
id = 'PreferenceTool._getPreferenceAttributes')
return _getValidPreferencePropertyIdList(self)
def _getSortedPreferenceList(self) :
""" return the most appropriate preferences objects,
......@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ class PreferenceTool(BaseTool):
if folder is None :
# as the preference tool is also a Folder, this method is called by
# page templates to get the list of document templates for self.
folder =self
folder = self
acceptable_templates = []
allowed_content_types = map(lambda pti:,
......@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ def _aq_reset():
Base.aq_method_generated = {}
Base.aq_portal_type = {}
Base.aq_related_generated = 0
Base.aq_preference_generated = 0
# Some method generations are based on portal methods, and portal methods cache results.
# So it is safer to invalidate the cache.
......@@ -345,6 +347,9 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
aq_method_generated = {}
aq_portal_type = {}
aq_related_generated = 0
aq_preference_generated = 0
# FIXME: Preference should not be included in ERP5Type
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
......@@ -444,7 +449,17 @@ class Base( CopyContainer, PortalContent, ActiveObject, ERP5PropertyManager ):
generated_bid[bid] = 1
Base.aq_related_generated = 1
if not Base.aq_preference_generated:
try :
from Products.ERP5Form.PreferenceTool import createPreferenceMethods
except ImportError, e :
LOG('Base._aq_dynamic', 100,
'unable to create methods for PreferenceTool', e)
Base.aq_preference_generated = 1
# Always try to return something after generation
if generated:
# We suppose that if we reach this point
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