Commit 5f74af39 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Fixup the cache key.

parent 2be40203
......@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool):
return xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller.dumps(slap_computer)
def _fillComputerInformationCache(self, computer_id, user, full):
self._getCachePlugin().set(user, DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE,
key = '%s_%s_%s' % (full, computer_id, user)
self._getCachePlugin().set(key, DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE,
dict (
data=self._getCacheComputerInformation(computer_id, user, full),
......@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool):
return entry
def _activateFillComputerInformationCache(self, computer_id, user, full):
tag = 'computer_information_cache_fill_%s' % user
tag = 'computer_information_cache_fill_%s_%s_%s' % (computer_id, user, full)
if self.getPortalObject().portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(tag) == 0:
self.activate(activity='SQLQueue', tag=tag)._fillComputerInformationCache(
computer_id, user, full)
......@@ -211,7 +212,8 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool):
if not self._isTestRun():
cache_plugin = self._getCachePlugin()
entry = cache_plugin.get(user, DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
key = '%s_%s_%s' (full, computer_id, user)
entry = cache_plugin.get(key, DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
except KeyError:
entry = None
if entry is not None and type(entry.getValue()) == type({}):
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