Commit 74fac85b authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

repo: Spec files for ERP5 on CentOS 7.4

This is ERP5 Standalone installation (as erp5-standalone script
provides) offline installation.
parent e42b3f12
erp5-standalone RPMs
CentoOS 7.4 preparation
Do all as root.
Install rpmbuild with:
``# yum install rpm-build``
Prepare directories:
``# mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SRPMS}``
Setup rpm:
``# echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros``
Link this directory to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS:
``# ln -s `pwd` ~/rpmbuild/SPECS``
Compile ERP5 with erp5-standalone script.
Go to ``~/rpmbuild/SPECS``.
Build all RPMs with:
``# rpmbuild -bb *spec``
You'll find RPMs in ``~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64``
Usage - instruction to user installing with RPMs
Required machine is CentOS 7.4 with at least Netinstall.
The RPMs shall be downloaded and to one directory, from which all below commands
will be run.
Procedure, all with `root` user:
* uninstall firewalld: `yum remove -y firewalld`
* install slapos.node: `yum install -y slapos.node*rpm`
* add local IPv6: `ip -6 addr add 2001::1/64 dev lo`
* create directories: `mkdir -p /opt/slapgrid /srv/slapgrid`
* configure the node: `slapos configure local`
* kill supervisor: ``kill `cat /srv/slapgrid/var/run/ ```
* wait a bit: `sleep 5`
* boot the supervisor: `slapos node instance --now --verbose`
* wait a bit: `sleep 15`
* format the machine: `slapos node format --now --alter_user=True`
* install ERP5 code: `yum install -y erp5*rpm`
Now by using playbook the user can check if all is working:
``ansible-playbook /opt/slapos.playbook/erp5-standalone.yml``
The expected result is:
TASK [standalone-shared : Expose ERP5] ***************************************************************
ok: [<machine_public_ipv4>] => {
"msg": [
"Build successful, connect to:",
" https://<machine_public_ipv4>",
" with",
" username: zope password: uqagckyo"
where <machine_public_ipv4> is replaced with public IPv4 of the machine.
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Version: erp5_1.0.56_apache_frontend_1.0.56
Release: 0
License: GPL
Vendor: Nexedi
Packager: Lukasz Nowak
Group: Applications/Productivity
AutoReqProv: no
Requires: slapos.node
# avoid strip and others
%define __os_install_post %{nil}
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-erp5-1
Summary: ERP5 standalone - ERP5-1
ERP5 provided with standalone package - ERP5-1.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/.completed \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/*.cfg \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/.installed.cfg \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/.local \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/bin \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/eggs \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/develop-eggs \
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts/[a-dA-D]* \
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-erp5-2
Summary: ERP5 standalone - ERP5-2
ERP5 provided with standalone package - ERP5-2.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts/[eE]* \
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-erp5-3
Summary: ERP5 standalone - ERP5-3
ERP5 provided with standalone package - ERP5-3.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts/[f-pF-P]* \
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-erp5-4
Summary: ERP5 standalone - ERP5-4
ERP5 provided with standalone package - ERP5-4.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts/[r-zR-Z]* \
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-erp5-5
Summary: ERP5 standalone - ERP5-5
ERP5 provided with standalone package - ERP5-5.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts
cp -a \
/opt/slapgrid/bbfe03b53d279b4f595327f751d64e79/parts/[0-9]* \
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-frontend
Summary: ERP5 standalone frontend
ERP5 provided with standalone package - frontend.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid
cp -a /opt/slapgrid/b6fd6dcb9e71fdfbeafa00397fd803a5 %{buildroot}/opt/slapgrid
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone-playbook
Summary: ERP5 standalone playbook
ERP5 provided with standalone package - playbook.
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/
cp -a /opt/slapos.playbook %{buildroot}/opt/
\ No newline at end of file
Name: erp5-standalone
Summary: ERP5 standalone
Requires: erp5-standalone-erp5-1 erp5-standalone-erp5-2
Requires: erp5-standalone-erp5-3 erp5-standalone-erp5-4
Requires: erp5-standalone-erp5-5
Requires: erp5-standalone-frontend erp5-standalone-playbook
Requires: ansible
ERP5 provided with standalone package - metapackage.
echo "# SlapOS ansible offline from erp5-standalone rpm" > /etc/ansible/hosts
echo "[targets]" >> /etc/ansible/hosts
echo " ansible_connection=local slapos_ansible_offline=true" >> /etc/ansible/hosts
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