• Łukasz Nowak's avatar
    caddy-frontend: Fix random 502 EOFs by adding try_duration · 5069b798
    Łukasz Nowak authored
    try_duration and try_interval are Caddy proxy's switches which allow to deal
    with non working backend (https://caddyserver.com/docs/proxy)
    The non working backend is the one, to which connection is lost or was not
    possible to make, without sending any data.
    The default try_duration=5s and try_interval=250ms are chosen, so that in
    normal network conditions (with all possible problems in the network, like
    lost packets) the browser will have to wait up to 5 seconds to be informed
    that backend is inaccessible or for the request to start being processed,
    but only a bit more than 250ms if Caddy would have to reestablish connection
    to faulty backend.
    In order to check it out it is advisable to setup a system, with real backend,
    like apache one, and configure iptables to randomly reject packets to it:
      iptables -A INPUT -m statistic --mode random -p tcp --dport <backend_port> \
      --probability 0.05 -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
    Using ab or any other tool will results with lot of 502 EOF in the Caddy error
    log and also reported by ab. With this configuration there are no more
    errors visible to the client, which come from the problems on the network
    between Caddy and the backend.
apache-custom-slave-list.cfg.in 18.4 KB