Commit 2bd2322c authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Name backend explicitly in haproxy backend

Thanks to this, it's much easier to find relevant configuration, and also logs
are becoming much more informative.
parent efcbb97b
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ md5sum = 266f175dbdfc588af7a86b0b1884fe73
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = 9b261b30eb7931e0e8f1e5dcba4696b8
md5sum = bf40f8d0a049a8dd924ccc731956c87e
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ md5sum = afac9171681f5b6f1da1a367219348cf
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = be899b04e1aa652ed510f20d4ea523dd
md5sum = 3ec9e088817f6a0e3b3b71919590e6b3
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $Umask 0022
$WorkDirectory {{ configuration['spool-directory'] }}
# Setup logging per slave, by extracting the slave name from the log stream
{%- set regex = ".*-backend (.*)-http.*" %}
{%- set regex = ".*-backend (.*)-http.{0,1}/" %}
template(name="extract_slave_name" type="string" string="%msg:R,ERE,1,FIELD:{{ regex }}--end%")
set $!slave_name = exec_template("extract_slave_name");
template(name="slave_output" type="string" string="{{ configuration['caddy-log-directory'] }}/%$!slave_name%_backend_log")
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ backend {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-{{ scheme }}
timeout server {{ slave_instance['request-timeout'] }}s
timeout connect {{ slave_instance['backend-connect-timeout'] }}s
retries {{ slave_instance['backend-connect-retries'] }}
server backend {{ hostname }}:{{ port }} {{ ' '.join(ssl_list) }}
server {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-backend {{ hostname }}:{{ port }} {{ ' '.join(ssl_list) }}
{%- if path %}
http-request set-path {{ path }}%[path]
{%- endif %}
......@@ -1772,7 +1772,7 @@ class TestSlave(SlaveHttpFrontendTestCase, TestDataMixin):
log_regexp = r'^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d+ ' \
r'\[\d{2}\/.{3}\/\d{4}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}.\d{3}\] ' \
r'http-backend _Url-http\/backend ' \
r'http-backend _Url-http\/_Url-backend ' \
r'\d+/\d+\/\d+\/\d+\/\d+ ' \
r'200 \d+ - - ---- ' \
r'\d\/\d\/\d\/\d\/\d \d\/\d ' \
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