Commit 2e6aa499 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

stack/resilient: Be python3 friendly

parent 648ad0d3
Pipeline #21612 running with stage
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ md5sum = 44a3166048a81d0d76d69527b1934ef7
filename =
md5sum = c4012ccc2c473ae5c7cad9dcac61e0f1
md5sum = 2eea3b0227c3ae9e44cfc41df9930fa7
filename =
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{% set monitor_url_list = [] -%}
# prepare sla-parameters
{% if slapparameter_dict is defined -%}
{% for key in slapparameter_dict.keys() -%}
{% for key in list(slapparameter_dict.keys()) -%}
{% if key.startswith('-sla-') -%}
{% do sla_parameter_dict.__setitem__(key, slapparameter_dict.pop(key)) -%}
{% endif -%}
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ sla-mode = unique_by_network
{% for key in sla_parameter_dict.keys() -%}
{% if key.startswith(sla_key_main) -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_main_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and not sla_dict.has_key(key[sla_key_secondary_length:]) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and key[sla_key_secondary_length:] not in sla_dict -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_secondary_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ sla-mode = unique_by_network
{% for key in sla_parameter_dict.keys() -%}
{% if key.startswith(sla_key_main) -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_main_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and not sla_dict.has_key(key[sla_key_secondary_length:]) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and key[sla_key_secondary_length:] not in sla_dict -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_secondary_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ sla-mode = unique_by_network
{% for key in sla_parameter_dict.keys() -%}
{% if key.startswith(sla_key_main) -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_main_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and not sla_dict.has_key(key[sla_key_secondary_length:]) -%}
{% elif key.startswith(sla_key_secondary) and key[sla_key_secondary_length:] not in sla_dict -%}
{% do sla_dict.__setitem__(key[sla_key_secondary_length:], sla_parameter_dict.get(key)) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
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