Commit def0784b authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak


parent 5a700e9f
Pipeline #15428 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ md5sum = df304a8aee87b6f2425241016a48f7a5
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
md5sum = 66a197ba35871f6ea2c0607a3ca873e8
md5sum = 5075da47b2b1ecb0e6bc6bf6ccf18f8e
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/notfound.html
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ defaults
{%- set SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING = { 'http': 'http_backend', 'https': 'https_backend'} %}
{%- macro frontend_entry(slave_instance, scheme, wildcard) %}
{#- wildcard switch allows to put dangerous entries in the end, as haproxy parses with first match #}
{%- if slave_instance[SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING[scheme]]['hostname'] and slave_instance[SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING[scheme]]['port'] %}
{#- if slave_instance[SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING[scheme]]['hostname'] and slave_instance[SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING[scheme]]['port'] #}
{%- set host_list = (slave_instance.get('server-alias') or '').split() %}
{%- if slave_instance.get('custom_domain') not in host_list %}
{%- do host_list.append(slave_instance.get('custom_domain')) %}
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ defaults
{%- if matched['count'] > 0 %}
use_backend {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-{{ scheme }} if is_{{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
{#- endif #}
{%- endmacro %}
frontend http-frontend
......@@ -61,8 +61,24 @@ frontend https-frontend
{{ frontend_entry(slave_instance, 'https', True) }}
{%- endfor %}
# Backends
{%- for slave_instance in frontend_slave_list %}
{%- for (scheme, prefix) in SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING.items() %}
{%- set info_dict = slave_instance[prefix] %}
backend {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-{{ scheme }}
{%- if scheme == 'http' and slave_instance['https-only'] %}
{#- Support https-only if connected via http #}
redirect scheme https code 302
{%- else %}
{%- if info_dict['hostname'] and info_dict['port'] %}
server {{ slave_instance['slave_reference'] }}-backend {{ info_dict['hostname'] }}:{{ info_dict['port'] }}
{%- if info_dict['path'] %}
http-request set-path {{ info_dict['path'] }}%[path]
{%- endif %} {# if info_dict['path'] #}
{%- endif %} {# if info_dict['hostname'] and info_dict['port'] #}
{%- endif %} {# if scheme == 'http' and slave_instance['https-only'] #}
{%- endfor %} {# for (scheme, prefix) in SCHEME_PREFIX_MAPPING.items() #}
{%- for k, v in slave_instance.items() %}
{#- # {{ k }} => {{ v }} #}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
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