Commit fc7c0aea authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

pbs/sshkeys_authority: adds support for openssh, and support port in known_hosts file

parent 6ff8f9d2
No related merge requests found
......@@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe, Notify, Callback):
# Create known_hosts file by default.
# In some case, we don't want to create it (case where we share IP mong partitions)
if not self.isTrueValue(self.options.get('ignore-known-hosts-file')):
known_hosts_file[parsed_url.hostname] = entry['server-key']
known_hostname = "[%s]:%s" % (parsed_url.hostname, parsed_url.port)
known_hosts_file[known_hostname] = entry['server-key'].strip()
notifier_wrapper_path = os.path.join(self.options['wrappers-directory'], slave_id)
rdiff_wrapper_path = notifier_wrapper_path + '_raw'
......@@ -33,18 +33,24 @@ import re
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
from slapos.recipe.librecipe.inotify import subfiles
# This authority only works with dropbear sshkey generator
# This authority only works with dropbear or openssh sshkey generators
def sshkeys_authority(args):
requests_directory = args['requests']
keygen_binary = args['sshkeygen']
if 'openssh' in keygen_binary:
authority_type = 'openssh'
# Keep dropbear for compatibility
authority_type = 'dropbear'
for request_filename in subfiles(requests_directory):
with open(request_filename) as request_file:
request = json.load(request_file)
key_type = request.get('type', 'rsa')
size = str(request.get('size', 2048))
size = str(request.get('size', 4096))
private_key = request['private_key']
public_key = request['public_key']
......@@ -54,8 +60,12 @@ def sshkeys_authority(args):
if not os.path.exists(private_key):
if os.path.exists(public_key):
keygen_cmd = [keygen_binary, '-t', key_type, '-f', private_key,
'-s', size]
if authority_type == 'openssh':
keygen_cmd = [keygen_binary, '-N', "", '-C', "", '-t', key_type,
'-f', private_key, '-b', size]
keygen_cmd = [keygen_binary, '-t', key_type, '-f', private_key,
'-s', size]
# If the keygeneration return an non-zero status, it means there's a
# big problem. Let's exit in this case
subprocess.check_call(keygen_cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
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