Commit 0be3e9db authored by Joey Adams's avatar Joey Adams

Added run-dictionary.c test to ciniparser

parent 53b6a92e
#include "ciniparser/dictionary.h"
#include "ciniparser/dictionary.c"
#include "tap/tap.h"
static void test_trivial(void) {
dictionary *map = dictionary_new(0);
char *notfound = (char*)0xDEADBEEF;
ok1(dictionary_get(map, "notfound", notfound) == notfound);
ok1(dictionary_get(map, "one", NULL) == NULL);
ok1(dictionary_set(map, "one", "1") == 0);
ok1(dictionary_get(map, "two", NULL) == NULL);
ok1(dictionary_set(map, "two", "2") == 0);
ok1(dictionary_get(map, "three", NULL) == NULL);
ok1(dictionary_set(map, "three", "3") == 0);
ok1(dictionary_get(map, "four", NULL) == NULL);
ok1(dictionary_set(map, "four", "4") == 0);
ok1(!strcmp(dictionary_get(map, "three", NULL), "3"));
ok1(!strcmp(dictionary_get(map, "one", NULL), "1"));
ok1(!strcmp(dictionary_get(map, "four", NULL), "4"));
ok1(!strcmp(dictionary_get(map, "two", NULL), "2"));
ok1(map->n == 4);
static void scramble(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
char *i = base;
char *o;
size_t sd;
for (;nmemb>1;nmemb--) {
o = i + size*(random()%nmemb);
for (sd=size;sd--;) {
char tmp = *o;
*o++ = *i;
*i++ = tmp;
static char *random_string(void) {
size_t len = random() % 100;
char *str = malloc(len+1);
char *i;
for (i=str; len--; i++) {
char c = random();
*i = c ? c : ' ';
//only generate characters [32,126]
char c = random()%95 + 32;
*i = c;
*i = 0;
return str;
struct test_entry {
char *str;
char *value;
static int by_str(const void *ap, const void *bp) {
return strcmp(((struct test_entry*)ap)->str, ((struct test_entry*)bp)->str);
static void cull_duplicates(struct test_entry *entries, size_t *count) {
struct test_entry *i, *o, *e = entries + *count;
qsort(entries, *count, sizeof(*entries), by_str);
for (i=entries, o=entries; i<e;) {
//skip repeated strings
if (o>entries) {
const char *last = o[-1].str;
if (!strcmp(last, i->str)) {
do {
} while(i<e && !strcmp(last, i->str));
//write all entries with the same value (should also have same string)
char *value = i->value;
do *o++ = *i++; while(i<e && i->value == value);
*count = o-entries;
static void free_test_entries(struct test_entry *entries, size_t count) {
struct test_entry *i = entries;
for (;count--;i++)
static int test_dictionary(size_t count, FILE *out) {
dictionary *map = dictionary_new(0);
#define print(tag, fmt, ...) do { \
if (out) \
fprintf(out, tag fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
#define debug(...) print("debug: ", __VA_ARGS__)
#define msg(...) print("info: ", __VA_ARGS__)
struct test_entry *entries = malloc(sizeof(*entries) * count);
struct test_entry *i, *e = entries+count;
char *value_base = malloc(count), *value = value_base;
size_t unique_count = 0;
//we use value to track whether an entry has been added or not
memset(value, 0, count);
msg("Generating %zu test entries...", count);
for (i=entries; i<e; value++) {
char *str = random_string();
size_t same_count = random()%5 ? random()%3 : random()%10;
i->str = str;
i->value = value;
for (;same_count-- && i<e; i++) {
i->str = strdup(str);
i->value = value;
cull_duplicates(entries, &count);
e = entries+count;
scramble(entries, count, sizeof(*entries));
#define err(...) do { \
print("error: ", __VA_ARGS__); \
goto fail; \
} while(0)
msg("Inserting/looking up %zu entries...", count);
for (i=entries; i<e; i++) {
char *value;
debug("Looking up %s", i->str);
value = dictionary_get(map, i->str, NULL);
if (!value) {
char value_str[64];
if (*i->value)
err("Previously inserted entry not found");
debug("Not found; entering");
/* Because dictionary only accepts strings, and we want
to store pointer indices, we'll write the indices as
decimal numbers :) */
sprintf(value_str, "%lu", (unsigned long)(i->value - value_base));
if (dictionary_set(map, i->str, value_str) != 0)
err("dictionary_set had an error");
*i->value = 1; //mark that the entry is entered
} else {
if ((unsigned long)(i->value - value_base) !=
strtoul(value, NULL, 10))
err("lookup returned incorrect value");
if (!*i->value)
err("lookup returned bogus value");
if (map->n != unique_count)
err("Dictionary has incorrect count");
printf("dictionary test passed after %zu inserts, %zu lookups (%zu total operations)\n", unique_count, (i-entries)-unique_count, i-entries);
free_test_entries(entries, e-entries);
return 1;
printf("dictionary test failed after %zu inserts, %zu lookups (%zu total operations)\n", unique_count, (i-entries)-unique_count, i-entries);
free_test_entries(entries, e-entries);
return 0;
#undef print
#undef err
#undef debug
#undef msg
int main(void)
ok1(test_dictionary(10000, NULL));
return exit_status();
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