Commit 1f67bcee authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

New junkcode.

parent 570c9c55
#ifndef BST_H
#define BST_H
#define bst_declare(name, type, idx_type) struct { \
struct { \
idx_type idx; \
type elem; \
void *left; \
void *right; \
} *head; \
} name
#define bst_init(name) do { \
(name).head = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define bst_node_type(name) typeof(*((name).head))
#define bst_insert(name, _elem, _idx) do { \
bst_node_type(name) **cur = NULL; \
for (cur = &((name).head); ;) { \
assert(cur != NULL); \
if (*cur == NULL) { \
(*cur) = malloc(sizeof(bst_node_type(name))); \
assert(*cur != NULL); \
(*cur)->idx = _idx; \
(*cur)->elem = _elem; \
(*cur)->left = NULL; \
(*cur)->right = NULL; \
break; \
} else { \
assert((*cur)->idx != _idx); \
if (_idx < (*cur)->idx) { \
cur = (bst_node_type(name) **)&((*cur)->left); \
} else { \
cur = (bst_node_type(name) **)&((*cur)->right); \
} \
} \
} \
} while (0)
#define bst_find(name, _idx, _elemp) do { \
bst_node_type(name) *cur = NULL; \
assert((_elemp) != NULL); \
for (cur = (name).head; cur != NULL; ) { \
if (cur->idx == _idx) { \
break; \
} \
if (_idx < cur->idx) { \
cur = (bst_node_type(name) *)(cur->left); \
} else { \
cur = (bst_node_type(name) *)(cur->right); \
} \
} \
if (cur != NULL) { \
*(_elemp) = ((cur)->elem); \
} else { \
*(_elemp) = NULL; \
} \
} while (0);
#if 0
else { \
cur = &((bst_node_type(name)((*cur)->right))); \
} \
(*cur).elem = elem; \
(*cur).idx = idx; \
#endif /* BST_H */
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