Commit 5c5cd4b8 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

makefiles: add "scores" target.

parent e0faeb52
......@@ -14,9 +14,13 @@
# dependencies you don't have.
EXCLUDE=wwviaudio ogg_to_pcm
# Anything with an _info file is a module.
ALL=$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE), $(patsubst ccan/%/_info, %, $(wildcard ccan/*/_info)))
ALL_DEPENDS=$(patsubst %, ccan/%/.depends, $(ALL))
# Where make scores puts the results
SCOREDIR=scores/$(shell whoami)/$(shell uname -s)-$(shell uname -m)-$(CC)
ALL=$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE), $(REALLY_ALL))
ALL_DEPENDS=$(patsubst %, ccan/%/.depends, $(REALLY_ALL))
# Not all modules have tests.
ALL_TESTS=$(patsubst ccan/%/test/, %, $(foreach dir, $(ALL), $(wildcard ccan/$(dir)/test/)))
......@@ -70,6 +74,18 @@ check: $(ALL_TESTS:%=summary-check-%)
distclean: clean
rm -f $(ALL_DEPENDS)
$(SCOREDIR)/SUMMARY: $(patsubst ccan/%/_info, $(SCOREDIR)/score-%, $(wildcard ccan/*/_info))
git describe --always > $@
uname -a >> $@
$(CC) -v >> $@
cat $^ | grep 'Total score:' >> $@
$(SCOREDIR)/score-%: ccan/%/_info tools/ccanlint/ccanlint $(OBJFILES)
mkdir -p $(SCOREDIR)
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -v -s -d ccan/$* > $@ || true
$(ALL_DEPENDS): %/.depends: %/_info tools/ccan_depends
tools/ccan_depends $* > $@ || ( rm -f $@; exit 1 )
......@@ -13,8 +13,14 @@ default: libccan.a
-include ccan/*/*.d
# Every directory with .c files is included.
DIRS=$(filter-out $(foreach d,$(EXCLUDE),ccan/$d), $(patsubst %/, %, $(sort $(dir $(wildcard ccan/*/*.c)))))
# Anything with an _info file is a module.
REALLY_ALL=$(patsubst ccan/%/_info, %, $(wildcard ccan/*/_info))
# Exclude any modules we can't build.
ALL=$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE), $(REALLY_ALL))
# Anything with C files needs building; dir leaves / on, sort uniquifies
DIRS=$(patsubst %/, %, $(sort $(foreach m, $(ALL), $(dir $(wildcard ccan/$m/*.c)))))
# Generate everyone's separate Makefiles.
-include $(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(dir)-Makefile)
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Ignore EXCLUDE when making webpages.
REALLY_ALL=$(patsubst ccan/%/_info, %, $(wildcard ccan/*/_info))
ALL_PAGES=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/info/%.html, $(REALLY_ALL))
DIRECT_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2, $(REALLY_ALL))
DEPEND_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps/%.tar.bz2, $(REALLY_ALL))
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