Commit 93aefd28 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

antithread: flesh out _info, update licence to GPLv3.

parent 1f6476b0
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* antithread - Accelerated Native Technology Implementation of "threads"
* Threads suck. Antithreads try not to. FIXME.
* On systems with multiple CPUs, it's often faster to split work across
* different execution units. Under Unix-like systems, the two methods of
* doing this are (POSIX) threads or processes.
* Licence: LGPL (2 or any later version)
* Threads have the disadvantage that they share all of the address space:
* using software instead of hardware isolation (eg. for malloc) is
* inefficient and less secure. Various subtle errors can occur because
* programmers in one part of the code do not expect concurrency.
* Processes have the disadvantage that there is no common infrastructure
* for sharing memory: without this, programmers are faced with the unpalatable
* options of using slower options or creating their own infrastructure.
* The antithread module provides memory-sharing infrastructure: the programmer
* indicates the size of the memory to share, and then creates subprocesses
* which share the memory. Pipes are used to hand pointers between the
* main process and the children: usually pointers into the shared memory.
* Example:
* #include <ccan/antithread/antithread.h>
* #include <ccan/talloc/talloc.h>
* #include <ctype.h>
* #include <stdlib.h>
* #include <stdio.h>
* #include <string.h>
* // Silly example: child makes rot13 copy.
* static void *rot13(struct at_pool *pool, void *unused)
* {
* char *r, *p;
* while ((r = at_read_parent(pool)) != NULL) {
* unsigned int i;
* // r is inside pool, so talloc off it is also inside.
* p = talloc_array(r, char, strlen(r) + 1);
* for (i = 0; r[i]; i++) {
* if (!isalpha(r[i]))
* p[i] = r[i];
* else if (toupper(r[i]) < 'N')
* p[i] = r[i] + 13;
* else
* p[i] = r[i] - 13;
* }
* // Tell parent about our copy.
* at_tell_parent(pool, p);
* }
* return NULL;
* }
* #define NUM_CHILDREN 4
* int main(int argc, char *argv[])
* {
* struct at_pool *pool;
* struct athread *child[NUM_CHILDREN];
* unsigned int i;
* // Create pool and some children
* pool = at_pool(1024*1024);
* for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN; i++)
* child[i] = at_run(pool, rot13, NULL);
* // Pass out work to children.
* for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
* at_tell(child[i % NUM_CHILDREN],
* talloc_strdup(at_pool_ctx(pool), argv[i]));
* // Read back results.
* for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
* printf("%s ", (char *)at_read(child[i % NUM_CHILDREN]));
* printf("\n");
* // Freeing pool kills children, too.
* talloc_free(pool);
* return 0;
* }
* Licence: GPL (3 or any later version)
* Author: Rusty Russell <>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
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