[cloudoostorage] Init cloudoo storage
Vincent Bechu authored
cloudo storage will be use to convert file from cloudoo server


jIO is a promised-based JavaScript library that offers connectors to many storages (Dropbox, webdav, IndexedDB, GDrive, ...) using a single API. jIO supports offline use, replication, encryption and synchronization as well as querying of stored documents and attachments allowing to build complex client-side centric web applications.

jIO Documentation

The documentation can be found on https://jio.nexedi.com/

jIO Quickstart

git clone https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/jio.git
npm install
grunt server

jIO Code

RenderJS source code is hosted on Gitlab at https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/jio (Github mirror - please use the issue tracker on Gitlab)

jIO Test

You can run tests after installing and building jIO by opening the /test/ folder