testCache.py 9.38 KB
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"""A few simple tests of the public cache API.

Each DB Connection has a separate PickleCache.  The Cache serves two
purposes. It acts like a memo for unpickling.  It also keeps recent
objects in memory under the assumption that they may be used again.
from __future__ import nested_scopes
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import random
import time
import types
import unittest

import ZODB
import ZODB.MappingStorage
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from ZODB.cPickleCache import PickleCache
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
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from ZODB.PersistentMapping import PersistentMapping
from ZODB.tests.MinPO import MinPO
from ZODB.utils import p64

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from Persistence import Persistent

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class CacheTestBase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        store = ZODB.MappingStorage.MappingStorage()
        self.db = ZODB.DB(store,
                          cache_size = self.CACHE_SIZE)
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        self.conns = []

    def tearDown(self):
        for conn in self.conns:

    MAX_OBJECTS = 100
    CACHE_SIZE = 20

    def noodle_new_connection(self):
        """Do some reads and writes on a new connection."""

        c = self.db.open()
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    def noodle_connection(self, c):
        r = c.root()

        i = random.randrange(0, self.NUM_COLLECTIONS)
        d = r.get(i)
        if d is None:
            d = r[i] = PersistentMapping()
        for i in range(random.randrange(10, 20)):
            j = random.randrange(0, self.MAX_OBJECTS)
            o = d.get(j)
            if o is None:
                o = d[j] = MinPO(j)
            o.value += 1

class DBMethods(CacheTestBase):

    __super_setUp = CacheTestBase.setUp

    def setUp(self):
        for i in range(4):

    def checkCacheDetail(self):
        for name, count in self.db.cacheDetail():
            self.assert_(isinstance(name, types.StringType))
            self.assert_(isinstance(count, types.IntType))

    def checkCacheExtremeDetail(self):
        expected = ['conn_no', 'id', 'oid', 'rc', 'klass', 'state']
        for dict in self.db.cacheExtremeDetail():
            for k, v in dict.items():
                self.assert_(k in expected)

    # XXX not really sure how to do a black box test of the cache.
    # should the full sweep and minimize calls always remove things?

    # The sleep(3) call is based on the implementation of the cache.
    # It's measures time in units of three seconds, so something used
    # within the last three seconds looks like something that is
    # currently being used.  Three seconds old is the youngest
    # something can be and still be collected.

    def checkFullSweep(self):
        old_size = self.db.cacheSize()
        new_size = self.db.cacheSize()
        self.assert_(new_size < old_size, "%s < %s" % (old_size, new_size))

    def checkMinimize(self):
        old_size = self.db.cacheSize()
        new_size = self.db.cacheSize()
        self.assert_(new_size < old_size, "%s < %s" % (old_size, new_size))

    # XXX don't have an explicit test for incrgc, because the
    # connection and database call it internally

    # XXX same for the get and invalidate methods

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    def checkLRUitems(self):
        # get a cache
        c = self.conns[0]._cache

    def checkClassItems(self):
        c = self.conns[0]._cache

class LRUCacheTests(CacheTestBase):
    def checkLRU(self):
        # verify the LRU behavior of the cache
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        dataset_size = 5
        CACHE_SIZE = dataset_size*2+1
        # a cache big enough to hold the objects added in two
        # transactions, plus the root object
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        c = self.db.open()
        r = c.root()
        l = {}
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        # the root is the only thing in the cache, because all the
        # other objects are new
        self.assertEqual(len(c._cache), 1)
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        # run several transactions
        for t in range(5):
            for i in range(dataset_size):
                l[(t,i)] = r[i] = MinPO(i)
            # commit() will register the objects, placing them in the cache.
            # at the end of commit, the cache will be reduced down to CACHE_SIZE
            # items
            if len(l)>CACHE_SIZE:
                self.assertEqual(c._cache.ringlen(), CACHE_SIZE)
        for i in range(dataset_size):
            # Check objects added in the first two transactions.
            # They must all be ghostified.
            self.assertEqual(l[(0,i)]._p_changed, None)
            self.assertEqual(l[(1,i)]._p_changed, None)
            # Check objects added in the last two transactions.
            # They must all still exist in memory, but have
            # had their changes flushed
            self.assertEqual(l[(3,i)]._p_changed, 0)
            self.assertEqual(l[(4,i)]._p_changed, 0)
            # Of the objects added in the middle transaction, most
            # will have been ghostified. There is one cache slot
            # that may be occupied by either one of those objects or
            # the root, depending on precise order of access. We do
            # not bother to check this
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    def checkSize(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.db.cacheSize(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(self.db.cacheDetailSize(), [])

        CACHE_SIZE = 10

        CONNS = 3
        for i in range(CONNS):
        self.assertEquals(self.db.cacheSize(), CACHE_SIZE * CONNS)
        details = self.db.cacheDetailSize()
        self.assertEquals(len(details), CONNS)
        for d in details:
            self.assertEquals(d['ngsize'], CACHE_SIZE)
            # the root is also in the cache as ghost, because
            # the connection holds a reference to it
            self.assertEquals(d['size'], CACHE_SIZE + 1)

    def checkDetail(self):
        CACHE_SIZE = 10

        CONNS = 3
        for i in range(CONNS):
        for klass, count in self.db.cacheDetail():
            if klass.endswith('PersistentMapping'):
                # one root per connection
                self.assertEqual(count, CONNS)
            if klass.endswith('MinPO'):
                self.assertEqual(count, CONNS * CACHE_SIZE)

        for details in self.db.cacheExtremeDetail():
            # one dict per object.  keys:
            if details['klass'].endswith('PersistentMapping'):
                self.assertEqual(details['state'], None)
                self.assertEqual(details['state'], 0)

class StubDataManager:
    def setklassstate(self, object):

class StubObject(Persistent):

class CacheErrors(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.jar = StubDataManager()
        self.cache = PickleCache(self.jar)

    def checkGetBogusKey(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.cache.get, p64(0))
        except KeyError:
            self.fail("expected KeyError")
            self.cache[12] = 12
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("expected TyepError")
            del self.cache[12]
        except TypeError:
            self.fail("expected TypeError")

    def checkBogusObject(self):
        def add(key, obj):
            self.cache[key] = obj
        key = p64(2)
        # value isn't persistent
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, add, key, 12)

        o = StubObject()
        # o._p_oid == None
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        self.assertRaises(TypeError, add, key, o)

        o._p_oid = p64(3)
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        self.assertRaises(ValueError, add, key, o)

        o._p_oid = key
        # o._p_jar == None
        self.assertRaises(Exception, add, key, o)

        o._p_jar = self.jar
        self.cache[key] = o
        # make sure it can be added multiple times
        self.cache[key] = o

        # same object, different keys
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, add, p64(0), o)

    def checkTwoCaches(self):
        jar2 = StubDataManager()
        cache2 = PickleCache(jar2)

        o = StubObject()
        key = o._p_oid = p64(1)
        o._p_jar = jar2

        cache2[key] = o

            self.cache[key] = o
        except ValueError:
            self.fail("expected ValueError because object already in cache")

    def checkReadOnlyAttrsWhenCached(self):
        o = StubObject()
        key = o._p_oid = p64(1)
        o._p_jar = self.jar
        self.cache[key] = o
            o._p_oid = p64(2)
        except ValueError:
            self.fail("expect that you can't change oid of cached object")
            del o._p_jar
        except ValueError:
            self.fail("expect that you can't delete jar of cached object")

def test_suite():
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    s = unittest.makeSuite(DBMethods, 'check')
    s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(LRUCacheTests, 'check'))
    s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(CacheErrors, 'check'))
    return s