Commit 671a5fb8 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #48 from zopefoundation/prefetch

Optimizations, featuring prefetch
parents 3c525909 09d8df62
......@@ -504,8 +504,15 @@ class ClientStorage(ZODB.ConflictResolution.ConflictResolvingStorage):
return result[:2]
def loadBefore(self, oid, tid):
result = self._cache.loadBefore(oid, tid)
if result:
return result
return self._server.load_before(oid, tid)
def prefetch(self, oids, tid):
self._server.prefetch(oids, tid)
def new_oid(self):
"""Storage API: return a new object identifier.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -513,6 +513,50 @@ ZEOStorage as closed and see if trying to get a lock cleans it up:
>>> logging.getLogger('ZEO').removeHandler(handler)
def test_prefetch(self):
"""The client storage prefetch method pre-fetches from the server
>>> count = 999
>>> import ZEO
>>> addr, stop = ZEO.server()
>>> conn = ZEO.connection(addr)
>>> root = conn.root()
>>> cls = root.__class__
>>> for i in range(count):
... root[i] = cls()
>>> conn.transaction_manager.commit()
>>> oids = [root[i]._p_oid for i in range(count)]
>>> conn.close()
>>> conn = ZEO.connection(addr)
>>> storage = conn.db().storage
>>> len(storage._cache)
>>> storage.prefetch(oids, conn._storage._start)
The prefetch returns before the cache is filled:
>>> len(storage._cache) < count
But it is filled eventually:
>>> from zope.testing.wait import wait
>>> wait(lambda : len(storage._cache) > count)
>>> loads = storage.server_status()['loads']
Now if we reload the data, it will be satisfied from the cache:
>>> for oid in oids:
... _ = conn._storage.load(oid)
>>> storage.server_status()['loads'] == loads
>>> conn.close()
>>> stop()
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
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