Commit 4618b7b1 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Move fake jar out to utils; add another version which remembers state.

parent 2ad69fde
class ResettingJar(object):
"""Testing stub for _p_jar attribute.
def __init__(self):
from persistent.cPickleCache import PickleCache # XXX stub it!
self.cache = PickleCache(self)
self.oid = 1
self.registered = {}
def add(self, obj):
import struct
obj._p_oid = struct.pack(">Q", self.oid)
self.oid += 1
obj._p_jar = self
self.cache[obj._p_oid] = obj
def close(self):
# the following methods must be implemented to be a jar
def setklassstate(self):
# I don't know what this method does, but the pickle cache
# constructor calls it.
def register(self, obj):
self.registered[obj] = 1
def setstate(self, obj):
# Trivial setstate() implementation that just re-initializes
# the object. This isn't what setstate() is supposed to do,
# but it suffices for the tests.
class RememberingJar(object):
"""Testing stub for _p_jar attribute.
def __init__(self):
from persistent.cPickleCache import PickleCache # XXX stub it!
self.cache = PickleCache(self)
self.oid = 1
self.registered = {}
def add(self, obj):
import struct
obj._p_oid = struct.pack(">Q", self.oid)
self.oid += 1
obj._p_jar = self
self.cache[obj._p_oid] = obj
# Remember object's state for later.
self.obj = obj
self.remembered = obj.__getstate__()
def close(self):
def fake_commit(self):
self.remembered = self.obj.__getstate__()
self.obj._p_changed = 0
# the following methods must be implemented to be a jar
def setklassstate(self):
# I don't know what this method does, but the pickle cache
# constructor calls it.
def register(self, obj):
self.registered[obj] = 1
def setstate(self, obj):
# Trivial setstate() implementation that resets the object's
# state as of the time it was added to the jar.
# This isn't what setstate() is supposed to do,
# but it suffices for the tests.
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