Commit 7a22c5b8 authored by Christian Theune's avatar Christian Theune

- Fixed example to not include the 'L' of longint on some platforms and not

   on others.
parent aa2273f1
......@@ -188,12 +188,14 @@ connections::
'this is blob 1woot!this is from connection 3'
BlobStorages implementation of getSize() includes the blob data and adds it to
the underlying storages result of getSize()::
the underlying storages result of getSize(). (We need to ensure the last
number to be an int, otherwise it will be a long on 32-bit platforms and an
int on 64-bit)::
>>> underlying_size = base_storage.getSize()
>>> blob_size = blob_storage.getSize()
>>> blob_size - underlying_size
>>> int(blob_size - underlying_size)
Savepoints and Blobs
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