Commit a910fd44 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

[ZODB3] setup: tests_require += zope.testrunner

Zope.testrunner is used to run ZODB tests. It was specified as explicit
dependency in buildout.cfg.  However if in SlapOS we install just
ZODB[test] zope.testrunner won't be installed.

-> Fix is by adding explicit zope.testrunner dependency into setup, so that
ZODB[test] installs it. This is the same as what ZODB5 does:
parent 5cf7bf81
......@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ setup(name="ZODB3",
classifiers = filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")),
long_description = long_description,
test_suite="__main__.alltests", # to support " test"
tests_require = ['zope.testing', manuel_version],
extras_require = dict(test=['zope.testing', manuel_version]),
tests_require = ['zope.testing', manuel_version, 'zope.testrunner'],
extras_require = dict(test=['zope.testing', manuel_version, 'zope.testrunner']),
install_requires = [
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