Commit dcae3634 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

ZlibStorage uses zlib, not gzip :)

Also the details aren't important here, so moved to a footnote.
parent 5bda7486
Installing and running ZODB
......@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ we want to save space, we could layer a ``ZlibStorage``
db = ZODB.DB(compressed_storage)
`ZlibStorage <>`_
compresses database records using the compression algorithm used by
`gzip <>`_.
compresses database records [#zlib]_.
Python configuration
......@@ -197,6 +196,9 @@ make it possible to search objects in large collections.
<>`_ is an optional
package that you need to install separately.
.. [#zlib] ZlibStorage uses the :mod:`zlib` standard module, which
uses the `zlib library <>`_.
.. [#caches-are-expensive] ZODB can be very efficient at caching data
in memory, especially if your `working set
<>`_ is small enough to
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