Commit a2da8235 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #96 from zopefoundation/checkTransactionalUndoIterator

checkTransactionalUndoIterator: do not expect iterator to return sorted oids
parents 37e445a5 9d418f12
......@@ -698,9 +698,9 @@ class TransactionalUndoStorage:
tid = p64(i + 1)
eq(txn.tid, tid)
L1 = [(rec.oid, rec.tid, rec.data_txn) for rec in txn]
L2 = [(oid, revid, None) for _tid, oid, revid in orig
if _tid == tid]
L1 = {(rec.oid, rec.tid, rec.data_txn) for rec in txn}
L2 = {(oid, revid, None) for _tid, oid, revid in orig
if _tid == tid}
eq(L1, L2)
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