Commit 20c54066 authored by Christof Schulze's avatar Christof Schulze Committed by Juliusz Chroboczek

interface: clarify error message when adding existing interface

When adding a network interface that is already known to babeld, an
error message is displayed and the new configuration is ignored. This
message is adjusted to include the name of the interface being added so
it is visible from the logs without context
parent 62a71233
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ add_interface(char *ifname, struct interface_conf *if_conf)
if(strcmp(ifp->name, ifname) == 0) {
"Warning: attempting to add existing interface, "
"new configuration ignored.\n");
"Warning: attempting to add existing interface (%s), "
"new configuration ignored.\n", ifname);
return ifp;
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