Commit c1d1be51 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Rename rtt-exponential-decay to rtt-decay.

parent c589c129
......@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ is non-zero (see below), and
.B false
.BI rtt\-exponential\-decay " decay"
.BI rtt\-decay " decay"
This specifies the decay factor for the exponential moving average of
RTT samples, in units of 1/256. Must be between 1 and 256, inclusive.
Higher values discard old samples faster. The default is
......@@ -470,12 +470,12 @@ parse_anonymous_ifconf(int c, gnc_t gnc, void *closure,
if(c < -1)
goto error;
if_conf->enable_timestamps = v;
} else if(strcmp(token, "rtt-exponential-decay") == 0) {
} else if(strcmp(token, "rtt-decay") == 0) {
int decay;
c = getint(c, &decay, gnc, closure);
if(c < -1 || decay <= 0 || decay > 256)
goto error;
if_conf->rtt_exponential_decay = decay;
if_conf->rtt_decay = decay;
} else if(strcmp(token, "rtt-min") == 0) {
int rtt;
c = getthousands(c, &rtt, gnc, closure);
......@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ merge_ifconf(struct interface_conf *dest,
......@@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ interface_up(struct interface *ifp, int up)
IF_CONF(ifp, update_interval) :
ifp->hello_interval * 4;
ifp->rtt_exponential_decay =
IF_CONF(ifp, rtt_exponential_decay) > 0 ?
IF_CONF(ifp, rtt_exponential_decay) : 42;
ifp->rtt_decay =
IF_CONF(ifp, rtt_decay) > 0 ?
IF_CONF(ifp, rtt_decay) : 42;
ifp->rtt_min =
IF_CONF(ifp, rtt_min) > 0 ?
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ struct interface_conf {
char faraway;
int channel;
int enable_timestamps;
unsigned int rtt_exponential_decay;
unsigned int rtt_decay;
unsigned int rtt_min;
unsigned int rtt_max;
unsigned int max_rtt_penalty;
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ struct interface {
unsigned update_interval;
/* A higher value means we forget old RTT samples faster. Must be
between 1 and 256, inclusive. */
unsigned int rtt_exponential_decay;
unsigned int rtt_decay;
/* Parameters for computing the cost associated to RTT. */
unsigned int rtt_min;
unsigned int rtt_max;
......@@ -618,8 +618,8 @@ parse_packet(const unsigned char *from, struct interface *ifp,
old_rttcost = neighbour_rttcost(neigh);
if (valid_rtt(neigh)) {
/* Running exponential average. */
smoothed_rtt = (ifp->rtt_exponential_decay * rtt
+ (256 - ifp->rtt_exponential_decay) * neigh->rtt);
smoothed_rtt = (ifp->rtt_decay * rtt +
(256 - ifp->rtt_decay) * neigh->rtt);
/* Rounding (up or down) to get closer to the sample. */
neigh->rtt = (neigh->rtt >= rtt) ? smoothed_rtt / 256 :
(smoothed_rtt + 255) / 256;
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