Commit 0b83014f authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

caddytls: Use latest certmagic package, with updated Storage interface

parent 0684cf86
......@@ -487,7 +487,6 @@ func Start(cdyfile Input) (*Instance, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("constructing cluster plugin %s: %v", clusterPluginName, err)
certmagic.DefaultStorage = storage
OnProcessExit = append(OnProcessExit, certmagic.DefaultStorage.UnlockAllObtained)
inst := &Instance{serverType: cdyfile.ServerType(), wg: new(sync.WaitGroup), Storage: make(map[interface{}]interface{})}
......@@ -432,5 +432,5 @@ func loadCertsInDir(cfg *Config, c *caddy.Controller, dir string) error {
func constructDefaultClusterPlugin() (certmagic.Storage, error) {
return certmagic.FileStorage{Path: caddy.AssetsPath()}, nil
return &certmagic.FileStorage{Path: caddy.AssetsPath()}, nil
......@@ -64,12 +64,11 @@ func (c Certificate) NeedsRenewal() bool {
if c.NotAfter.IsZero() {
return false
timeLeft := c.NotAfter.UTC().Sub(time.Now().UTC())
renewDurationBefore := DefaultRenewDurationBefore
if len(c.configs) > 0 && c.configs[0].RenewDurationBefore > 0 {
renewDurationBefore = c.configs[0].RenewDurationBefore
return timeLeft < renewDurationBefore
return time.Until(c.NotAfter) < renewDurationBefore
// CacheManagedCertificate loads the certificate for domain into the
......@@ -52,6 +52,16 @@ import (
// HTTPS serves mux for all domainNames using the HTTP
// and HTTPS ports, redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS.
// This high-level convenience function is opinionated and
// applies sane defaults for production use, including
// timeouts for HTTP requests and responses. To allow very
// long-lived requests or connections, you should make your
// own http.Server values and use this package's Listen(),
// TLS(), or Config.TLSConfig() functions to customize to
// your needs. For example, servers which need to support
// large uploads or downloads with slow clients may need to
// use longer timeouts, thus this function is not suitable.
// Calling this function signifies your acceptance to
// the CA's Subscriber Agreement and/or Terms of Service.
func HTTPS(domainNames []string, mux http.Handler) error {
......@@ -96,13 +106,32 @@ func HTTPS(domainNames []string, mux http.Handler) error {
hln, hsln := httpLn, httpsLn
httpHandler := cfg.HTTPChallengeHandler(http.HandlerFunc(httpRedirectHandler))
// create HTTP/S servers that are configured
// with sane default timeouts and appropriate
// handlers (the HTTP server solves the HTTP
// challenge and issues redirects to HTTPS,
// while the HTTPS server simply serves the
// user's handler)
httpServer := &http.Server{
ReadHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
Handler: cfg.HTTPChallengeHandler(http.HandlerFunc(httpRedirectHandler)),
httpsServer := &http.Server{
ReadHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 2 * time.Minute,
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Minute,
Handler: mux,
log.Printf("%v Serving HTTP->HTTPS on %s and %s",
domainNames, hln.Addr(), hsln.Addr())
go http.Serve(hln, httpHandler)
return http.Serve(hsln, mux)
go httpServer.Serve(hln)
return httpsServer.Serve(hsln)
func httpRedirectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
......@@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ func (cfg *Config) newACMEClient(interactive bool) (*acmeClient, error) {
return c, nil
// lockKey returns a key for a lock that is specific to the operation
// named op being performed related to domainName and this config's CA.
func (cfg *Config) lockKey(op, domainName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", op, domainName, cfg.CA)
......@@ -215,30 +217,34 @@ func (cfg *Config) lockKey(op, domainName string) string {
// Obtain obtains a single certificate for name. It stores the certificate
// on the disk if successful. This function is safe for concurrent use.
// Right now our storage mechanism only supports one name per certificate,
// so this function (along with Renew and Revoke) only accepts one domain
// as input. It can be easily modified to support SAN certificates if our
// storage mechanism is upgraded later.
// Our storage mechanism only supports one name per certificate, so this
// function (along with Renew and Revoke) only accepts one domain as input.
// It could be easily modified to support SAN certificates if our storage
// mechanism is upgraded later, but that will increase logical complexity
// in other areas.
// Callers who have access to a Config value should use the ObtainCert
// method on that instead of this lower-level method.
func (c *acmeClient) Obtain(name string) error {
// ensure idempotency of the obtain operation for this name
lockKey := c.config.lockKey("cert_acme", name)
waiter, err :=
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
if waiter != nil {
log.Printf("[INFO] Certificate for %s is already being obtained elsewhere and stored; waiting", name)
return nil // we assume the process with the lock succeeded, rather than hammering this execution path again
defer func() {
if err :=; err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Unable to unlock obtain call for %s: %v", name, err)
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Obtain: Unable to unlock '%s': %v", name, lockKey, err)
// check if obtain is still needed -- might have
// been obtained during lock
if c.config.storageHasCertResources(name) {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Obtain: Certificate already exists in storage", name)
return nil
for attempts := 0; attempts < 2; attempts++ {
request := certificate.ObtainRequest{
Domains: []string{name},
......@@ -280,19 +286,15 @@ func (c *acmeClient) Obtain(name string) error {
// Callers who have access to a Config value should use the RenewCert
// method on that instead of this lower-level method.
func (c *acmeClient) Renew(name string) error {
// ensure idempotency of the renew operation for this name
lockKey := c.config.lockKey("cert_acme", name)
waiter, err :=
err :=
if err != nil {
return err
if waiter != nil {
log.Printf("[INFO] Certificate for %s is already being renewed elsewhere and stored; waiting", name)
return nil // assume that the worker that renewed the cert succeeded to avoid hammering this path over and over
defer func() {
if err :=; err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Unable to unlock renew call for %s: %v", name, err)
log.Printf("[ERROR][%s] Renew: Unable to unlock '%s': %v", name, lockKey, err)
......@@ -302,6 +304,12 @@ func (c *acmeClient) Renew(name string) error {
return err
// Check if renew is still needed - might have been renewed while waiting for lock
if !c.config.managedCertNeedsRenewal(certRes) {
log.Printf("[INFO][%s] Renew: Certificate appears to have been renewed already", name)
return nil
// Perform renewal and retry if necessary, but not too many times.
var newCertMeta *certificate.Resource
var success bool
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
......@@ -277,12 +278,6 @@ func (cfg *Config) ObtainCert(name string, interactive bool) error {
return nil
// we expect this to be a new site; if the
// cert already exists, then no-op
if, name)) {
return nil
client, err := cfg.newACMEClient(interactive)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -317,24 +312,37 @@ func (cfg *Config) RevokeCert(domain string, interactive bool) error {
return client.Revoke(domain)
// TLSConfig returns a TLS configuration that
// can be used to configure TLS listeners. It
// supports the TLS-ALPN challenge and serves
// up certificates managed by cfg.
// TLSConfig is an opinionated method that returns a
// recommended, modern TLS configuration that can be
// used to configure TLS listeners, which also supports
// the TLS-ALPN challenge and serves up certificates
// managed by cfg.
// Unlike the package TLS() function, this method does
// not, by itself, enable certificate management for
// any domain names.
// Feel free to further customize the returned tls.Config,
// but do not mess with the GetCertificate or NextProtos
// fields unless you know what you're doing, as they're
// necessary to solve the TLS-ALPN challenge.
func (cfg *Config) TLSConfig() *tls.Config {
return &tls.Config{
// these two fields necessary for TLS-ALPN challenge
GetCertificate: cfg.GetCertificate,
NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1", tlsalpn01.ACMETLS1Protocol},
// the rest recommended for modern TLS servers
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{
CipherSuites: preferredDefaultCipherSuites(),
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
// RenewAllCerts triggers a renewal check of all
// certificates in the cache. It only renews
// certificates if they need to be renewed.
// func (cfg *Config) RenewAllCerts(interactive bool) error {
// return cfg.certCache.RenewManagedCertificates(interactive)
// }
// preObtainOrRenewChecks perform a few simple checks before
// obtaining or renewing a certificate with ACME, and returns
// whether this name should be skipped (like if it's not
......@@ -356,3 +364,27 @@ func (cfg *Config) preObtainOrRenewChecks(name string, allowPrompts bool) (bool,
return false, nil
// storageHasCertResources returns true if the storage
// associated with cfg's certificate cache has all the
// resources related to the certificate for domain: the
// certificate, the private key, and the metadata.
func (cfg *Config) storageHasCertResources(domain string) bool {
certKey := StorageKeys.SiteCert(cfg.CA, domain)
keyKey := StorageKeys.SitePrivateKey(cfg.CA, domain)
metaKey := StorageKeys.SiteMeta(cfg.CA, domain)
return && &&
// managedCertNeedsRenewal returns true if certRes is
// expiring soon or already expired, or if the process
// of checking the expiration returned an error.
func (cfg *Config) managedCertNeedsRenewal(certRes certificate.Resource) bool {
cert, err := cfg.makeCertificate(certRes.Certificate, certRes.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return true
return cert.NeedsRenewal()
......@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ import (
......@@ -153,3 +155,34 @@ func hashCertificateChain(certChain [][]byte) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
// preferredDefaultCipherSuites returns an appropriate
// cipher suite to use depending on hardware support
// for AES-NI.
// See
func preferredDefaultCipherSuites() []uint16 {
if cpuid.CPU.AesNi() {
return defaultCiphersPreferAES
return defaultCiphersPreferChaCha
var (
defaultCiphersPreferAES = []uint16{
defaultCiphersPreferChaCha = []uint16{
......@@ -64,22 +64,24 @@ type Storage interface {
// Locker facilitates synchronization of certificate tasks across
// machines and networks.
type Locker interface {
// TryLock will attempt to acquire the lock for key. If a
// lock could be obtained, nil values are returned as no
// waiting is required. If not (meaning another process is
// already working on key), a Waiter value will be returned,
// upon which you should Wait() until it is finished.
// Lock acquires the lock for key, blocking until the lock
// can be obtained or an error is returned. Note that, even
// after acquiring a lock, an idempotent operation may have
// already been performed by another process that acquired
// the lock before - so always check to make sure idempotent
// operations still need to be performed after acquiring the
// lock.
// The actual implementation of obtaining of a lock must be
// an atomic operation so that multiple TryLock calls at the
// an atomic operation so that multiple Lock calls at the
// same time always results in only one caller receiving the
// lock. TryLock always returns without waiting.
// lock at any given time.
// To prevent deadlocks, all implementations (where this concern
// is relevant) should put a reasonable expiration on the lock in
// case Unlock is unable to be called due to some sort of network
// or system failure or crash.
TryLock(key string) (Waiter, error)
Lock(key string) error
// Unlock releases the lock for key. This method must ONLY be
// called after a successful call to TryLock where no Waiter was
......@@ -89,20 +91,6 @@ type Locker interface {
// TryLock or if Unlock was not called at all. Unlock should also
// clean up any unused resources allocated during TryLock.
Unlock(key string) error
// UnlockAllObtained removes all locks obtained by this process,
// upon which others may be waiting. The importer should call
// this on shutdowns (and crashes, ideally) to avoid leaving stale
// locks, but Locker implementations must NOT rely on this being
// the case and should anticipate and handle stale locks. Errors
// should be printed or logged, since there could be multiple,
// with no good way to handle them anyway.
// Waiter is a type that can block until a lock is released.
type Waiter interface {
// KeyInfo holds information about a key in storage.
......@@ -281,7 +269,7 @@ type ErrNotExist interface {
// defaultFileStorage is a convenient, default storage
// implementation using the local file system.
var defaultFileStorage = FileStorage{Path: dataDir()}
var defaultFileStorage = &FileStorage{Path: dataDir()}
// DefaultStorage is the default Storage implementation.
var DefaultStorage Storage = defaultFileStorage
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"importpath": "",
"repository": "",
"vcs": "git",
"revision": "fe722057f2654b33cd528b8fd8b90e53fa495564",
"revision": "a3b276a1b44e1c2c3dcab752729976ea04f4839b",
"branch": "master",
"notests": true
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