Commit 3ca419e2 authored by Matthew Holt's avatar Matthew Holt

browse: Correct links when site defined with a path (fixes #1561)

parent 7d154353
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type Browse struct {
// Config is a configuration for browsing in a particular path.
type Config struct {
PathScope string
PathScope string // the base path the URL must match to enable browsing
Fs staticfiles.FileServer
Variables interface{}
Template *template.Template
......@@ -78,10 +78,15 @@ type Listing struct {
// BreadcrumbMap returns l.Path where every element is a map
// of URLs and path segment names.
func (l Listing) BreadcrumbMap() map[string]string {
result := map[string]string{}
// Crumb represents part of a breadcrumb menu.
type Crumb struct {
Link, Text string
// Breadcrumbs returns l.Path where every element maps
// the link to the text to display.
func (l Listing) Breadcrumbs() []Crumb {
var result []Crumb
if len(l.Path) == 0 {
return result
......@@ -94,13 +99,12 @@ func (l Listing) BreadcrumbMap() map[string]string {
parts := strings.Split(lpath, "/")
for i, part := range parts {
if i == 0 && part == "" {
// Leading slash (root)
result["/"] = "/"
for i := range parts {
txt := parts[i]
if i == 0 && parts[i] == "" {
txt = "/"
result[strings.Join(parts[:i+1], "/")] = part
result = append(result, Crumb{Link: strings.Repeat("../", len(parts)-i-1), Text: txt})
return result
......@@ -247,12 +251,12 @@ func directoryListing(files []os.FileInfo, canGoUp bool, urlPath string, config
url := url.URL{Path: "./" + name} // prepend with "./" to fix paths with ':' in the name
if config.Fs.IsHidden(f) {
url := url.URL{Path: "./" + name} // prepend with "./" to fix paths with ':' in the name
fileinfos = append(fileinfos, FileInfo{
IsDir: f.IsDir(),
Name: f.Name(),
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ footer {
{{range $url, $name := .BreadcrumbMap}}<a href="{{html $url}}">{{html $name}}</a>{{if ne $url "/"}}/{{end}}{{end}}
{{range $i, $crumb := .Breadcrumbs}}<a href="{{html $crumb.Link}}">{{html $crumb.Text}}</a>{{if ne $i 0}}/{{end}}{{end}}
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