Commit 10718928 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by Chris Thurber

Update crew to provide support for lzip compressed source code (#2505)

* Update crew to support lzip compressed source code
parent 193931d3
......@@ -438,7 +438,8 @@ def unpack (meta)
Dir.chdir CREW_BREW_DIR do
puts "Unpacking archive, this may take awhile..."
Dir.mkdir("#{extract_dir}") unless Dir.exist?("#{extract_dir}")
if meta[:filename][-4,4] == ".zip"
case File.extname meta[:filename]
when '.zip'
if @opt_verbose then
system "unzip", "-v", "-d", "#{extract_dir}", meta[:filename]
......@@ -579,7 +580,7 @@ def install_package (pkgdir)
strip_find_files "find . -type f -name 'lib*.so*' -print", "-S"
# Strip binaries but not compressed archives
strip_find_files "find . -type f ! -iname '*\.bz2' ! -iname '*\.gz' ! -iname '*\.lha' ! -iname '*\.rar' ! -iname '*\.tar' ! -iname '*\.tgz' ! -iname '*\.xz' ! -iname '*\.zip' -perm /111 -print | sed -e '/lib.*\.a$/d' -e '/lib.*\.so/d'"
strip_find_files "find . -type f ! -iname '*\.bz2' ! -iname '*\.gz' ! -iname '*\.lha' ! -iname '*\.lz' ! -iname '*\.rar' ! -iname '*\.tar' ! -iname '*\.tgz' ! -iname '*\.xz' ! -iname '*\.zip' -perm /111 -print | sed -e '/lib.*\.a$/d' -e '/lib.*\.so/d'"
if @opt_verbose then
system "tar cvf - ./usr/* | (cd /; tar xp --keep-directory-symlink -f -)"
# Defines common constants used in different parts of crew
CREW_VERSION = '1.0.1'
CREW_VERSION = '1.0.2'
ARCH = `uname -m`.strip
ARCH_LIB = if ARCH == 'x86_64' then 'lib64' else 'lib' end
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'package'
class Buildessential < Package
description 'A collection of tools essential to compile and build software.'
homepage ''
version '1.2'
version '1.3'
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Buildessential < Package
# override the system version with sandbox mode enabled
depends_on 'sed'
# typically required library to compile source code using "./"
# typically required libraries to compile source code using "./"
depends_on 'automake'
depends_on 'libtool'
depends_on 'intltool'
......@@ -37,21 +37,24 @@ class Buildessential < Package
depends_on 'flex'
depends_on 'util_macros'
depends_on 'gettext'
depends_on 'wget' # in some case, some patches might be required and can be downloaded using wget
depends_on 'wget' # in some cases, patches might be required and can be downloaded using wget
depends_on 'gawk'
# compression utilities
depends_on 'lzip'
depends_on 'unzip'
depends_on 'zip'
depends_on 'gawk'
# cmake
depends_on 'cmake'
# xorg protocols headers
#depends_on 'xorg_proto'
# maybe meson build system ?
# depends_on 'meson' ## With python binary fixed, this chould be included here.
# perl module build ?
# depends_on 'perl_module_build'
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ libunbound
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