Commit 1bc928f5 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by GitHub

Correct grammar and spelling errors (#5651)

parent 89689436
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Model: YOUR MODEL HERE
Architecture: `uname -m`
## Addtional information
## Additional information
Mention things we might need to know. Like:
What I think needs to be done:
......@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ Fixes #
(let GitHub automatically close an issue when this pull request gets merged)
## Before you submit a pull request
This template is not neccessary when you do simple things like updating packages to the latest version. But in doubt, it's always better so provide some information.
This template is not necessary when you do simple things like updating packages to the latest version. But in doubt, it's always better so provide some information.
## Description
Provide a description, what your changes do and why they are important
Please link issues and other pull requests connected to this one.
## Addtional information
## Additional information
Mention things we might need to know. Like:
Works properly:
......@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ The rundown of what each function and variable are/(can be) used for follows.
A simple example ruby script can be found on the [Wiki](
require 'package' # must occour within each `.rb`
require 'package' # must occur within each `.rb`
# Notice the newline
class Template < Package # Notice the capitals, EG: 'I3' - would be used for an 'i3' package
description 'The template script' # Notice the indent, should contain no more than one line of text
homepage '#' # Notice the same indent, EG: '' - Would be used for an 'i3' Package
version 'version#-revision#' # EG: 4.18.2-1 - Where '4.18.2' is the version and '1' is the revision - Omit revision on new packges
compatibility '#' # Can contain 'all', or a list of supported architectures each seperated by a space
compatibility '#' # Can contain 'all', or a list of supported architectures each separated by a space
source_url '#' # The URL from which the source of the package can be downloaded
source_sha256 '#' # The `sha256` checksum of the downloaded source package
# Notice the newline
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ NOTE: All rules can have exceptions, if ***REQUIRED***, exceptions to the rules
<a name="eq">`CREW_OPTIONS`</a>: Equal to `--prefix=/usr/local --libdir=/usr/local/lib --mandir=/usr/local/share/man --build=armv7l-cros-linux-gnueabihf --host=armv7l-cros-linux-gnueabihf --target=#{CREW_BUILD}`
Any additonally required resources for ChromeOS or ChromeBooks cane be found [here](
Any additionally required resources for ChromeOS or ChromeBooks can be found [here](
Still can't find something? Have a look in [`Issues`](<sup>Or post a issue</sup>
......@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ ENV["XZ_OPT"] = ENV['CREW_XZ_OPT'] || "-7e -T #{CREW_NPROC}"
# If CURL environment variable exists use it in lieu of curl.
CURL = ENV['CURL'] || 'curl'
# All available crew commands.
@cmds = ["build", "const", "download", "files", "help", "install", "list", "postinstall", "reinstall", "remove", "search", "update", "upgrade", "whatprovides"]
# Parse arguments using docopt
require_relative '../lib/docopt'
......@@ -89,10 +92,9 @@ rescue Docopt::Exit => e
if ARGV[0] != '-h' and ARGV[0] != '--help' then
puts "Could not understand \"crew #{ARGV.join(' ')}\".".lightred
cmds = ["build", "const", "download", "files", "help", "install", "list", "postinstall", "reinstall", "remove", "search", "update", "upgrade", "whatprovides"]
# Looking for similar commands
if not cmds.include?(ARGV[0]) then
similar = {|word| edit_distance(ARGV[0], word) < 4}
if not @cmds.include?(ARGV[0]) then
similar = {|word| edit_distance(ARGV[0], word) < 4}
if not similar.empty? then
puts 'Did you mean?'
similar.each {|sug| puts " #{sug}"}
......@@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ def help (pkgName)
puts "Usage: crew whatprovides <pattern> ..."
puts "The <pattern> is a search string which can contain regular expressions."
puts "Available commands: build, const, download, files, help, install, list, postinstall, reinstall ,remove, search, update, upgrade, whatprovides"
puts "Available commands: #{@cmds.join(', ')}"
......@@ -593,11 +595,11 @@ def download
system "#{CURL} --retry 3 -#{@verbose}#LC - --insecure \'#{url}\' --output #{filename}"
abort 'Checksum mismatch. :/ Try again.'.lightred unless
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest( ) == sha256sum
puts "Archive downloaded".lightgreen
puts 'Archive downloaded.'.lightgreen
# Stow file in cache if requested
puts 'Caching downloaded archive'.lightgreen
FileUtils.cp filename, CREW_CACHE_DIR, verbose: @fileutils_verbose
puts 'Archive cached.'.lightgreen
# Sources that download with git
......@@ -635,16 +637,17 @@ def download
system 'git checkout FETCH_HEAD'
system 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
puts "Repository downloaded".lightgreen
puts 'Repository downloaded.'.lightgreen
# Stow file in cache if requested
puts 'Caching downloaded archive.'.lightgreen
Dir.chdir "#{@extract_dir}" do
puts 'Caching downloaded archive...'
Dir.chdir "#{@extract_dir}" do
system "tar c#{@verbose}Jf #{CREW_CACHE_DIR}/#{filename}.tar.xz \
$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf '%P\n')"
system "sha256sum #{CREW_CACHE_DIR}/#{filename}.tar.xz > #{CREW_CACHE_DIR}/#{filename}.tar.xz.sha256"
puts 'Archive cached.'.lightgreen
......@@ -657,15 +660,15 @@ def unpack (meta)
FileUtils.mkdir_p @extract_dir, verbose: @fileutils_verbose
case File.basename meta[:filename]
when /\.zip$/i
puts "Unpacking archive using 'unzip', this may take a while...".lightgreen
puts "Unpacking archive using 'unzip', this may take a while..."
_verbopt = @opt_verbose ? '-v' : '-qq'
system 'unzip', _verbopt, '-d', @extract_dir, meta[:filename], exception: true
when /\.(tar(\.(gz|bz2|xz|lz))?|tgz|tbz|txz)$/i
puts "Unpacking archive using 'tar', this may take a while...".lightgreen
puts "Unpacking archive using 'tar', this may take a while..."
FileUtils.mkdir @extract_dir unless Dir.exist?(@extract_dir)
system "tar x#{@verbose}f #{meta[:filename]} -C #{@extract_dir}", exception: true
when /\.deb$/i
puts "Unpacking archive using 'ar', this may take a while...".lightgreen
puts "Unpacking archive using 'ar', this may take a while..."
FileUtils.mkdir @extract_dir unless Dir.exist?(@extract_dir)
system "ar -p #{meta[:filename]} data.tar.xz | xz -dc#{@verbose} | tar x#{@verbose} -C #{@extract_dir}", exception: true
......@@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ def prepare_package (destdir)
system 'cut -c2- ../filelist > filelist'
# check for conflicts with other installed files
puts "Checking for conflicts with files from installed packages.".lightgreen
puts "Checking for conflicts with files from installed packages..."
conflicts = []
@conflictscmd = "grep --exclude #{CREW_META_PATH}#{}.filelist \
-Fxf filelist #{CREW_META_PATH}*.filelist | tr ':' ' ' | \
# Defines common constants used in different parts of crew
CREW_VERSION = '1.8.8'
CREW_VERSION = '1.8.9'
ARCH_ACTUAL = `uname -m`.strip
# This helps with virtualized builds on aarch64 machines
require 'package'
class Aview < Package
description 'aview is an high quality ascii-art image(pnm) browser and animation(fli/flc) player usefull especially with lynx browser.'
description 'aview is an high quality ascii-art image(pnm) browser and animation(fli/flc) player useful especially with lynx browser.'
homepage ''
version '1.3.0rc1'
license 'GPL-2'
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Gtk_doc < Package
depends_on 'pygments' => :build
#def self.patch
# There are alot of patches to grab here ~ They've all come from Void-Packages (xbps-src)
# There are a lot of patches to grab here ~ They've all come from Void-Packages (xbps-src)
#puts 'Grabbing patches'.lightblue
#system 'curl --ssl -L -o "output-reproducible.patch" "" --progress-bar'
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ class Nping < Package
#without-zenmap in configure removes openssl dependency
system "./configure --without-zenmap --prefix=#{CREW_PREFIX}"
# Make files in the project dont have the right dependencies to build this by itself
# so just make the whole thing and then install nping - not effecient, but
# Make files in the project don't have the right dependencies to build this by itself
# so just make the whole thing and then install nping - not efficient, but
# more likely to work than a bunch of Makefile dependency edits
system "make"
require 'package'
class Perl_file_tail < Package
description 'Perl extension for reading from continously updated files'
description 'Perl extension for reading from continuously updated files'
homepage ''
version '1.3'
license 'GPL-1+ or Artistic'
require 'package'
class Xfce4_terminal < Package
description 'Modern terminal emulator primarly for the Xfce desktop environment'
description 'Modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment'
homepage ''
version '0.8.10'
license 'GPL-2+'
......@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ task :nano do
:rest => "| sort -t. -k 1,1nr -k 2,2nr -k 3,3nr -k 4,4nr | head -1"
desc "Check for new verison of ncdu"
desc "Check for new version of ncdu"
task :ncdu do
check_version :pkg_name => "ncdu",
:url => "",
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ wxWinLL-3
# Licenses that match the definiton of free software as set by the FSF, but are neither approved by the FSF or OSI
# Licenses that match the definition of free software as set by the FSF, but are neither approved by the FSF or OSI
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