Commit 26ad2f6b authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel Committed by GitHub

Add shells package (#5903)

parent d1d23353
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ Latest Packages
| Name | Description | Date Added |
| shells | Launch your Shells™ virtual desktop | 2021-06-25 |
| codelobster | Free cross-platform IDE for PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript development | 2021-06-23 |
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| exodus | Exodus is a desktop crypto wallet | 2021-06-21 |
......@@ -109,7 +110,6 @@ Latest Packages
| libcurl | Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. | 2021-06-07 |
| pdfchain | PDF Chain is a graphical user interface for the PDF Toolkit (PDFtk). | 2021-06-01 |
| pdftk | PDFtk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. | 2021-05-31 |
| podofo | A PDF parsing, modification and creation library. | 2021-05-27 |
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require 'package'
class Shells < Package
description 'Launch your Shells™ virtual desktop'
homepage ''
version '0.2b'
license ''
compatibility 'x86_64'
source_url ''
source_sha256 '6d1a8267056c5c372f2bc1918e022f618006e2bcec1869cf2bfbb7d33e8dbc84'
depends_on 'xcb_util_wm'
depends_on 'sommelier'
def self.install
FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin" 'shells-go', "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin/shells"
def self.postinstall
puts "\nType 'shells' to get started.\n".lightblue
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