Commit 378a292f authored by Fred Clift's avatar Fred Clift

update tmux, fix libevent build, fix crew wget

3 changes to get tmux to work:
update tmux to latest release

remove openssl dependency for libevent (partly because openssl forumla
on chromebrew is broken right now, partly because we dont need it.)

change command line options for wget in crew script:
man page says -N is incompatible with -O (and wget complains every run)
--content-disposition not needed since we specify -O and big files on
github (which are backed by aws) can not be retrieved with this flag,
probably because AWS doesn't support HEAD requests for those files
parent 64fcdf56
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def download
sha1sum = @pkg.binary_sha1[@device[:architecture]]
Dir.chdir CREW_BREW_DIR do
system('wget', '--continue', '--content-disposition', '--no-check-certificate', '-N', url, '-O', filename)
system('wget', '--continue', '--no-check-certificate', url, '-O', filename)
abort 'Checksum mismatch :/ try again' unless Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("./#{filename}") ) == sha1sum
puts "Archive downloaded"
require 'package' # include package class file
class Libevent < Package # name the package and make it a Package class instance
version '2.0.21' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '3e6674772eb77de24908c6267c698146420ab699' # source tarball sha1 sum
version '2.0.22' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 'a586882bc93a208318c70fc7077ed8fca9862864' # source tarball sha1 sum
def # contains commands needed to build the software from source
system "./configure"
system "./configure --disable-openssl"
system "make" # ordered chronologically
require 'package' # include package class file
class Tmux < Package # name the package and make it a Package class instance
version '1.9a' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '815264268e63c6c85fe8784e06a840883fcfc6a2' # source tarball sha1 sum
version '2.2' # software version
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '5ed1430bc7ef44c227e64e9401c686573dd0791a' # source tarball sha1 sum
depends_on 'readline' # software dependencies
depends_on 'libevent'
depends_on 'openssl'
depends_on 'ncurses'
def # contains commands needed to build the software from source
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