Commit 20adb980 authored by Hugo H. Maia Vieira's avatar Hugo H. Maia Vieira

Add getTableMatrix for oogranulate

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 955051f4
1.0.10 (unreleased)
- Refactor code to use json instead of jsonpickle.
- Add getTableItem and getTableItemList for OOGranulate
- Add getTableItem, getTableItemList and getTableMatrix for OOGranulate
- Add getParagraphItemList and getParagraphItem for OOGranulate
- Add getImageItemList and getImage for OOGranulate
- Add OdfDocument
......@@ -123,6 +123,23 @@ class OOGranulate(object):
return None
def getTableMatrix(self, id):
"""Returns the table as a matrix"""
row_list = self.document.parsed_content.xpath(
'//table:table[@table:name="%s"]/table:table-row' % id,
if len(row_list) == 0:
return None
matrix = []
for row in row_list:
matrix_row = []
for cell in row.iterchildren():
return matrix
def getColumnItemList(self, file, table_id):
"""Return the list of columns in the form of (id, title)."""
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ class ITableGranulator(Interface):
def getTableItem(id, format):
"""Returns the table into a new 'format' file."""
def getTableMatrix(self, id):
"""Returns the table as a matrix."""
def getColumnItemList(file, table_id):
"""Return the list of columns in the form of (id, title)."""
......@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ class TestInterface(unittest.TestCase):
def testITableGranulator(self):
"""Test if OOGranulate implements ITableGranulator"""
self.assertEquals(ITableGranulator.implementedBy(OOGranulate), True)
method_list = ['getTableItem',
method_list = ['getColumnItemList',
self.assertEquals(ITableGranulator.names(), method_list)
def testITextGranulator(self):
......@@ -83,6 +83,24 @@ class TestOOGranulate(cloudoooTestCase):
table_data = oogranulate.getTableItem('NonExistentTable')
self.assertEquals(table_data, None)
def testGetTableMatriz(self):
"""Test if getTableMatrix() returns the right matrix"""
data = open('./data/granulate_table_test.odt').read()
oogranulate = OOGranulate(data, 'odt')
matrix = [['Name', 'Phone', 'Email'],
['Hugo', '+55 (22) 8888-8888', ''],
['Rafael', '+55 (22) 9999-9999', '']]
self.assertEquals(matrix, oogranulate.getTableMatrix('Developers'))
matrix = [['Product', 'Price'],
['Pizza', 'R$ 25,00'],
['Petit Gateau', 'R$ 10,00'],
['Feijoada', 'R$ 30,00']]
self.assertEquals(matrix, oogranulate.getTableMatrix('Prices'))
self.assertEquals(None, oogranulate.getTableMatrix('Non existent'))
def testGetColumnItemList(self):
"""Test if getColumnItemList() returns the right table columns list"""
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.oogranulate.getColumnItemList,
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