Commit 07a65f5b authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Also show different days on chatrooms.

- Use a template to show the day's date.
- Use time element for the date and datetime attr
parent acbcf3fd
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Changelog
chat messages. [jcbrand]
- Fixed user status handling, which wasn't 100% according to the
spec. [jcbrand]
- Separate messages according to day in chats. [jcbrand]
0.2 (unreleased)
......@@ -158,6 +158,11 @@ {
color: #808080;
.chat-date {
display: inline-block;
padding-top: 10px;
div#login-dialog {
......@@ -303,6 +303,10 @@
'<span class="chat-message-content">{{message}}</span>' +
new_day_template: _.template(
'<time class="chat-date" datetime="{{isodate}}">{{datestring}}</time>'
insertStatusNotification: function (message, replace) {
var $chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content');
......@@ -315,7 +319,7 @@
times = this.model.messages.pluck('time'),
this_date = xmppchat.parseISO8601(time),
$chat_content = this.$el.find('.chat-content'),
previous_message, idx, prev_date;
previous_message, idx, prev_date, isodate;
// If this message is on a different day than the one received
// prior, then indicate it on the chatbox.
......@@ -323,12 +327,16 @@
if (idx >= 0) {
previous_message =;
prev_date = xmppchat.parseISO8601(previous_message.get('time'));
isodate = this_date;
isodate = xmppchat.toISOString(isodate);
if (this.isDifferentDay(prev_date, this_date)) {
$chat_content.append($('<div class="chat-date">&nbsp;</div>'));
$chat_content.append($('<div class="chat-date"></div>').text(this_date.toString().substring(0,15)));
isodate: isodate,
datestring: this_date.toString().substring(0,15)
if (xmppchat.xmppstatus.getStatus() === 'offline') {
// only update the UI if the user is not offline
......@@ -914,17 +922,30 @@
sender = Strophe.unescapeNode(Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid)),
delayed = $message.find('delay').length > 0,
subject = $message.children('subject').text(),
match, template;
match, template, message_datetime, message_date, dates, isodate;
if (!body) { return true; } // XXX: Necessary?
if (subject) {
this.$el.find('.chatroom-topic').text(subject).attr('title', subject);
if (delayed) {
stamp = $message.find('delay').attr('stamp');
time = (new Date(stamp)).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5);
message_datetime = xmppchat.parseISO8601(stamp);
} else {
time = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5);
message_datetime = new Date();
// If this message is on a different day than the one received
// prior, then indicate it on the chatbox.
dates = $chat_content.find("time").map(function(){return $(this).attr("datetime");}).get();
message_date = message_datetime;
isodate = xmppchat.toISOString(message_date);
if (_.indexOf(dates, isodate) == -1) {
isodate: isodate,
datestring: message_date.toString().substring(0,15)
match = body.match(/^\/(.*?)(?: (.*))?$/);
if ((match) && (match[1] === 'me')) {
body = body.replace(/^\/me/, '*'+sender);
......@@ -938,7 +959,7 @@
'sender': sender == 'me' && sender || 'room',
'time': time,
'time': message_date.toLocaleTimeString().substring(0,5),
'message': body,
'username': sender,
'extra_classes': delayed && 'delayed' || ''
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