If you want to work with the non-minified Javascript and CSS files you'll soon
notice that there are references to missing *components* and *node_modules* directories.
Please follow the instructions below to create these directories and fetch Converse's
3rd-party dependencies.
.. note::
Windows environment: We recommend installing the required tools using `Chocolatey <https://chocolatey.org/>`_
You will need Node.js (nodejs.install), Git (git.install) and optionally to build using Makefile, GNU Make (make)
If you have trouble setting up a development environment on Windows,
please read `this post <http://librelist.com/browser//conversejs/2014/11/5/openfire-converse-and-visual-studio-questions/#b28387e7f8f126693b11598a8acbe810>`_
in the mailing list.:
Installing the development and front-end dependencies