Commit 14e4c3c4 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Improve install instructions for Ubuntu/Debian

Signed-off-by: default avatarMichal Čihař <>
parent e26f97f6
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ dateutil
django-crispy-forms (>=1.4.0)
libravatar (optional for federated avatar support)
pyuca (>= 1.1) (optional for proper sorting of strings)
......@@ -44,31 +46,43 @@ hub (optional for sending pull requests to GitHub)
Requirements on Debian or Ubuntu
On Debian or Ubuntu, most of requirements are already packaged, to install them
you can use apt-get:
On recent Debian or Ubuntu, most of requirements are already packaged, to
install them you can use apt-get:
.. code-block:: sh
apt-get install python-django translate-toolkit \
python-whoosh python-pil python-libravatar \
python-babel Git mercurial python-social-auth \
python-django-compressor python-django-crispy-forms
# Optional for database backend
apt-get install python-mysqldb # For MySQL
apt-get install python-psycopg2 # For PostgreSQL
For Debian 7.0 (Wheezy) or older or older Ubuntu version, you need to install
several Python modules manually using pip as versions shipped in distribution
are too old or non existing:
On older versions, some required dependencies are missing or outdated, so you
need to install several Python modules manually using pip:
.. code-block:: sh
# Dependencies for python-social-auth
apt-get install python-requests-oauthlib python-six python-openid
pip install python-social-auth Django Whoosh django_compressor
# In case python-social-auth package is missing
pip install python-social-auth
# In case your distribution has python-django older than 1.7
pip install Django
# In case python-django-crispy-forms package is missing
pip install django-crispy-forms
# In case python-whoosh package is misssing or older than 2.5
pip install Whoosh
# In case your python-django-compressor package is missing
pip install django_compressor
For proper sorting of a unicode strings, it is recommended to install pyuca:
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