Commit 2593dd70 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Improve the test names

parent f97b8d20
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
} (this, function (xmppchat) {
return describe("Contacts Roster", function() {
return describe("Roster", function() {
// Names from
names = [
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
describe("roster items", $.proxy(function () {
it("should be able to change their status to online and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
it("can change their status to online and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
var item, view, jid;
spyOn(this.rosterview, 'render').andCallThrough();
for (i=59; i>54; i--) {
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
}, xmppchat));
it("should be able to change their status to busy and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
it("can change their status to busy and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
var item, view, jid;
spyOn(this.rosterview, 'render').andCallThrough();
for (i=54; i>49; i--) {
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
}, xmppchat));
it("should be able to change their status to away and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
it("can change their status to away and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
var item, view, jid;
spyOn(this.rosterview, 'render').andCallThrough();
for (i=49; i>44; i--) {
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
}, xmppchat));
it("should be able to change their status to unavailable and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
it("can change their status to unavailable and be sorted alphabetically", $.proxy(function () {
var item, view, jid;
spyOn(this.rosterview, 'render').andCallThrough();
for (i=44; i>39; i--) {
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
}, xmppchat));
it("should be ordered according to status: online, busy, away, unavailable, offline", $.proxy(function () {
it("are ordered according to status: online, busy, away, unavailable, offline", $.proxy(function () {
var contacts = this.rosterview.$el.find('dd.current-xmpp-contact');
var i;
// The first five contacts are online.
......@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
}, xmppchat));
}, xmppchat));
}, xmppchat));
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