alert(__('You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour buddy will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.'));
alert(__('You will be prompted to provide a security question and then an answer to that question.\n\nYour contact will then be prompted the same question and if they type the exact same answer (case sensitive), their identity will be verified.'));
question=prompt(__('What is your security question?'));
answer=prompt(__('What is the answer to the security question?'));
| **buddyStatusChanged** | When a chat buddy's chat status has changed. | ``converse.on('buddyStatusChanged', function (buddy, status) { ... });`` |
| **contactStatusChanged** | When a chat buddy's chat status has changed. | ``converse.on('contactStatusChanged', function (buddy, status) { ... });`` |
| **buddyStatusMessageChanged** | When a chat buddy's custom status message has changed. | ``converse.on('buddyStatusMessageChanged', function (buddy, messageText) { ... });`` |
| **contactStatusMessageChanged** | When a chat buddy's custom status message has changed. | ``converse.on('contactStatusMessageChanged', function (buddy, messageText) { ... });`` |