Commit 433a74a5 authored by Patrick Brückner's avatar Patrick Brückner

documentation: java property files and adding new languages

parent 168ff5dd
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ weblate 2.3
Released on ? 2015.
* Dropped support for Django 1.6 and South migrations.
* Support for adding new translations when using Java Property files
weblate 2.2
......@@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ Java properties
Native Java format for translations.
Java properties are usually used as bilingual.
Java properties are usually used as monolingual.
This format supports creating new languages. When a new languages is created, a new empty file will be added to the repository. Only keys that are defined will be written to the newly created file. The WebLate maintainer needs to make sure that this is the expected behaviour with the framework in use.
.. seealso::
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