Commit 45fc71c0 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

More jsdoc docstrings as well as an intro page and JSON config

parent 6f13676e
......@@ -231,6 +231,6 @@ html:
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
.PHONY: apidoc
ePHONY: apidoc
$(JSDOC) -d docs/html/api src/*.js
$(JSDOC) --readme docs/source/ -c docs/source/conf.json -d docs/html/api src/*.js
"plugins": ["plugins/markdown"]
# The Converse API documentation
## The public and private API
Converse has a public API and a private API.
The reason we make this distinction between public and private is so that API
methods which might can be used to "impersonate" the user, for example by
sending messages on their behalf, are not available to random scripts running
in the websites.
The public API is accessible via the `window.converse` global and is therefore
available to all JavaScript running in the page.
The private API is only accessible to plugins, which have been whitelisted and
registered before `converse.initialize` (which is a public API method) has been
called. See the [plugin development](
section for more info on writing plugins.
Inside a plugin, you can get access to the `_converse.api` object. Note the
underscore in front of `_converse`, which indicates that this is a private,
closured object.
## API Groupings
The Converse API is often broken up into different logical "groupings" (for
example `converse.plugins` or `converse.contacts`).
There are some exceptions to this, like `converse.initialize`, which aren't
groupings but single methods.
The groupings logically group methods, such as standardised accessors and
* .get
* .set
* .add
* .remove
So for example, to get a contact, you would do the following:
To get multiple contacts, just pass in an array of jids:
_converse.api.contacts.get(['', '']);
To get all contacts, simply call ``get`` without any jids:
......@@ -1350,12 +1350,83 @@
// The public API
* The Public API
* @namespace window
* This namespace contains public API methods which are are
* accessible on the global window.converse object.
* They are public, because any JavaScript in the
* page can call them. Public methods therefore don’t expose any sensitive
* or closured data. To do that, you’ll need to create a plugin, which has
* access to the private API method.
* @namespace window.converse
* @memberOf window
window.converse = {
* Public API method which initializes Converse.
* This method must always be called when using Converse.
* @memberOf window.converse
* @method initialize
* @param {object} config A map of [configuration-settings](
* @example
* converse.initialize({
* allow_otr: true,
* auto_list_rooms: false,
* auto_subscribe: false,
* bosh_service_url: '',
* hide_muc_server: false,
* i18n: locales['en'],
* keepalive: true,
* play_sounds: true,
* prebind: false,
* show_controlbox_by_default: true,
* debug: false,
* roster_groups: true
* });
'initialize' (settings, callback) {
return _converse.initialize(settings, callback);
* Exposes methods for adding and removing plugins. You'll need to write a plugin
* if you want to have access to the private API methods defined further down below.
* For more information on plugins, read the section :ref:`writing-a-plugin`.
* @property {object} window.converse
* @memberOf window.converse
'plugins': {
/** Registers a new plugin.
* @memberOf window.converse.plugins
* @method add
* @param {string} name The name of the plugin
* @param {object} plugin The plugin object
* @example
* const plugin = {
* initialize: function () {
* // Gets called as soon as the plugin has been loaded.
* // Inside this method, you have access to the private
* // API via `_covnerse.api`.
* // The private _converse object contains the core logic
* // and data-structures of Converse.
* }
* }
* converse.plugins.add('myplugin', plugin);
'add' (name, plugin) {
plugin.__name__ = name;
if (!_.isUndefined(_converse.pluggable.plugins[name])) {
......@@ -1367,6 +1438,24 @@
* Utility methods and globals from bundled 3rd party libraries.
* @memberOf window.converse
* @property {function} converse.env.$build - Creates a Strophe.Builder, for creating stanza objects.
* @property {function} converse.env.$iq - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <iq/> element as the root.
* @property {function} converse.env.$msg - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <message/> element as the root.
* @property {function} converse.env.$pres - Creates a Strophe.Builder with an <presence/> element as the root.
* @property {object} converse.env.Backbone - The [Backbone]( object used by Converse to create models and views.
* @property {function} converse.env.Promise - The Promise implementation used by Converse.
* @property {function} converse.env.Strophe - The [Strophe]( XMPP library used by Converse.
* @property {object} converse.env._ - The instance of [lodash]( used by Converse.
* @property {function} converse.env.f - And instance of Lodash with its methods wrapped to produce immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last methods.
* @property {function} converse.env.b64_sha1 - Utility method from Strophe for creating base64 encoded sha1 hashes.
* @property {object} converse.env.moment - [Moment]( date manipulation library.
* @property {function} converse.env.sizzle - [Sizzle]( CSS selector engine.
* @property {object} converse.env.utils - Module containing common utility methods used by Converse.
'env': {
'$build': $build,
'$iq': $iq,
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