Commit 4a37c694 authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Use individual strophe plugins instead of entire repo

parent 16688ebe
......@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ require.config({
"strophe-sha1": "node_modules/strophe.js/src/sha1",
"strophe-utils": "node_modules/strophe.js/src/utils",
"strophe-websocket": "node_modules/strophe.js/src/websocket",
"strophe.disco": "node_modules/strophejs-plugins/disco/strophe.disco",
"": "node_modules/strophejs-plugins/ping/",
"strophe.rsm": "node_modules/strophejs-plugins/rsm/strophe.rsm",
"strophe.vcard": "node_modules/strophejs-plugins/vcard/strophe.vcard",
"strophe.disco": "node_modules/strophejs-plugin-disco/strophe.disco",
"": "node_modules/strophejs-plugin-ping/",
"strophe.rsm": "node_modules/strophejs-plugin-rsm/strophe.rsm",
"strophe.vcard": "node_modules/strophejs-plugin-vcard/strophe.vcard",
"text": "node_modules/text/text",
"tpl": "node_modules/lodash-template-loader/loader",
"typeahead": "components/typeahead.js/index",
......@@ -204,9 +204,6 @@ require.config({
// define module dependencies for modules not using define
shim: {
'awesomplete': { exports: 'Awesomplete' },
'backbone': { deps: ['underscore'] },
'': { deps: ['strophe'] },
'strophe.register': { deps: ['strophe'] },
'strophe.vcard': { deps: ['strophe'] },
'backbone': { deps: ['underscore'] }
......@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@
You're still able to do everything from before but now also much more.
- Allow JIDs not on the roster to be invited to a chatroom. [jcbrand]
- #770 Allow setting contact attrs on [Ape]
## 2.0.7 (2017-02-15)
- Bugfix. 'TypeError: this.sendConfiguration(...).then is not a function' when an instant room is created. [jcbrand]
- Ensure consistent behavior from `show_controlbox_by_default` [jcbrand]
- #694 The `notification_option` wasn't being used consistently. [jcbrand]
- #770 Allow setting contact attrs on [Ape]
## 2.0.6 (2017-02-13)
- Escape user-generated input to prevent JS-injection attacks. (Thanks to SamWhited) [jcbrand]
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